The Highlander's Outlaw Bride

The Highlander's Outlaw Bride by Cathy MacRae Page B

Book: The Highlander's Outlaw Bride by Cathy MacRae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy MacRae
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plaide away and met cold night air. She shivered. “What do ye mean?”
    “Warmth, lass. Nothing more.”
    Cold mist crept into the glen, surrounding the dark embers of the banked fire. Chilled, Brianna settled back against him, and Conn pulled her plaide over her shoulders. Immediately cocooned in warmth, she closed her eyes with a sigh. Her breath turned to a gasp of surprise as she felt Conn’s hands begin to wander.
    “Now what are ye doing?” she demanded, batting at his hands.
    He chuckled, his breath against her neck as he wrapped his arms around her. “Keeping me warm. Or at least distracted.”
    “Och, nae,” she shot back. “Ye willnae distract me. I am not yer wife yet, and there are men close by!”
    He gently kissed the back of her neck, stirring the soft hairs there, creating a completely different type of chill down her spine. “They wouldnae hear ye if ye werenae so noisy.”
    Brianna squeaked in outrage even as her body shuddered. Panic rose at the thought he would not be gainsaid. “Nae,” she insisted, her voice low, close to anger. Beside her, Tam stirred and lunged at Conn, teeth bared. Conn cursed under his breath, snatching his hand away. Tam laid his head across Brianna’s hip, eyes glittering.
    “ Pax , Brianna. I only tease ye. The next time I make love to ye will be in private with a soft bed beneath us. Sleep now, and call down yer wee beast. ’Twill be morning soon.”
    She stilled, stroking Tam’s shoulder as he shifted back to sleep. As Conn’s breathing evened, she finally relaxed, wondering at the nature of the man who held her.

Chapter 14

    Brianna woke alone. Glancing around the campsite, she rose to her feet, glad not to meet any speculative looks from the men this morning regarding the night’s sleeping arrangements. All remained busy saddling their horses and preparing for the day’s ride. Geordie’s laughter rose as he played with Tam. Climbing from her bedroll, Brianna attended her own needs, then grabbed an oatcake as she hurried to saddle Maude. Wary, she eyed Conn as he approached, leading Embarr.
    He offered her a pleasant smile. “Are ye ready?”
    She nodded and accepted Tam’s leash from Geordie as she climbed aboard her horse.
    Conn eyed the black and white pup bouncing at the end of the lead, the light of mischief in his eyes. “Do ye think ye can train yer dog not to take bites out of me?”
    Watching his face, she decided he was teasing as much as he was serious. “I was told the pup had a mind of his own, so I cannae promise, but I will keep it in mind. Besides, ye woke him.”
    “Ye dinnae plan on him sleeping with ye once we are wed?”
    “I plan to train him to deal with recalcitrant cattle and other such things as vex me.” She raised an eyebrow. “Surely that willnae include ye?” She nudged Maude forward, Tam trotting in her wake. “He is the warmest, least demanding thing in my bed right now.” Brianna glanced over her shoulder. Conn stared after her, one hand on his hip. “Will ye be walking, then?” she asked him. The other men rode past with scarcely a nod. Conn flashed her a grin.
    “I dinnae plan to be ousted by a pup!” He swung easily onto his stallion’s back. Embarr tossed his head, eager to follow the mare as she swished her tail and stomped a rear foot at a pesky fly.
    Brianna was surprised when he settled in to ride beside her. The soldiers formed their lines ahead and behind them, leaving space for them to travel in relative privacy. They rode in silence and Brianna soon changed her attention to Tam, who gamboled happily beside Maude. Lean and young, he was full of boundless energy.
    They halted for a midday meal on the crest of a low mountain. Brianna sat on a large rock overlooking the valley as she munched a piece of dried meat. Dangling her feet in the air, she turned her face into the rush of wind, relishing the updraft as it lifted the hair on either side of her face. The scent of new green growth rose from the

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