The Highlander's Hope - A Contemporary Highland Romance

The Highlander's Hope - A Contemporary Highland Romance by Cali MacKay

Book: The Highlander's Hope - A Contemporary Highland Romance by Cali MacKay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cali MacKay
people will suspect we’re not a couple.”  He brushed his lips against hers, and then nipped at them. 
    She shifted away, though only far enough to look him in the eyes.  “Except for James.  If he broke in here, then he knows we’re looking at the paintings.”
    Iain shrugged and wrapped his arm around her waist.  “They’re just paintings, and they could easily have been in the library for storage.  It’s not like he found the letters and journals.  We just need to make sure he has no doubts about why ye’re here.  Do ye think ye’re up for a dinner and a stroll through town on a Saturday night?”
    She leaned against him, their cheeks touching as she spoke, her lips at his ear.  “I’ll admit, I’m finding it easier to play my role as of late.”
    His chest tightened with need, and he knew if he didn’t pull away, he’d try taking her then and there on the library sofa.  Better if they made good use of the sexual tension between them to make their ruse more convincing—though he was starting to wonder just how much of a ruse it actually was.
    How he found the strength to pull away from her, he didn’t know.  “We should go .  But we need not stay out long.  I promise to have ye back to yer paintings and journals in no time at all.”
    Her eyes narrowed for a moment, as if she was trying to decipher him.  In the end, she gave him a smile and threw on her jacket.  “I’ll hold you to that, then.”
    Yet during the drive into town, he could feel her gaze on him.  “What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing.  Just wondering.”
    “Wondering what?”  By the gods, he doubted it was anything good.
    “Why you’re still single.” 
    “Me?  Too busy with work.  I haven’t the time or desire to pursue anything serious.”  His rote answer came tumbling out by habit before he’d given it much thought—and now he regretted it.  He liked Cat more than he was willing to admit, and maybe more so because his interest in her had been completely unexpected, especially given how they started.  “Not that I’d let the right lass pass me by.”
    Her laugh made him smile.  “Good answer, MacCraigh.”
    “Aye, I thought so my self.”  By the gods, the woman kept him on his toes at least.  He didn’t think he’d ever find himself bored in her company—an all too frequent occurrence with most of the women he dated.
    He parked, and then shifted in his seat to face her.  “Are ye r eady then?  The more people who see us together the easier it’ll be to pass us off as a happy couple in love.”
    “I just want James to go away.  I hate knowing he’s snooping around.  It puts me on edge.”  Her smile faded, leaving Iain all the more furious that James had such a negative effect on her.
    “Cat, I know we’ve not known each other long, but I swear I’ll do all I can to protect ye from that bastard.”  The possessiveness he felt over her was unlike anything he’d felt before, and Iain realized it was because it didn’t come from a place of control or jealousy, but rather a place where he needed to do right by her and keep her safe.
    “I appreciate it.”  Her eyes sparkled in the dark of night, caught by the street lights, as her hand cupped his cheek and her thumb brushed his lips, before she kissed him sweetly.  “I’m ready if you are?”
    “Aye, love.”  Never had he been more ready, though he knew it was for far more than a meal and stroll through town. As if to reinforce what they were doing and to keep his mind from being sidetracked, he said, “Dinner.”
    With her tucked by his side, t hey headed towards the pub, knowing it’d be the busiest place in town.  They grabbed a seat at a booth, but before they’d even gotten their food, Angus slid into the spot next to Iain, a shit-eating grin on his face.
    Ignoring Iain, Angus turned his charms and attention on Cat.  “I hope ye don’t mind my joining ye.  It’s just that Iain so rarely brings around his dates, and

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