The High King: Book Two of the 'Riothamus' trilogy
thumbnail reflectively. “I will be interested to
see their reaction. I may be a quiet man however if I feel strongly
about something I will go after it!” He looked up at the
Archmage, “No group of self-important merchants and nobles will
stop me.”
    Maran glanced
at the evening sky, “I ought to get going. There are many more
things to be organised before tomorrow’s dawn.”
    Aran inclined
his head, “Until tomorrow Archmage Maran.”
tomorrow my lord Prince,” the Archmage replied bowing.
    Despite the
prospect of the morrow, Aran slept well, indeed sleeping in until
almost mid-morning since his usual custom was to rise with the
dawn. Lying in bed, he stretched and yawned. Waking fully, he
roused himself and got up to see the prospect of the day.
Unlatching the stained glass pane, he stared out at a brilliant
blue sky with a cold westerly blowing in across the distant plains.
Behind him, he heard a noise, and turned to see Alem come into the
bed chamber with a bowl of lightly scented warm water.
    “I thought I
heard you rouse my lord,” he said laying out the bowl and drying
cloth on the wooden table, “You’ve a full day ahead of you so I
thought it best to let you sleep in and get plenty of rest.”
    “Thanks Alem,”
Aran replied, “I must have needed the extra sleep.”
    Quickly Aran
washed and dressed in clean undergarments, and a plain, dark blue
wool hosen and tunic that had been laid out for him.
    “I wear my
armour today,” Aran informed his bondsman
    Alem nodded,
“It has been already removed to the camp of the plainsmen. They
have erected a tent in which you will armour-up.”
    “Good, how
about breakfast? I’m starved.” Aran asked.
    Alem glanced
at the door, “I sent Thaley to arrange some food for you…she
shouldn’t be long.”
    There was a
step at the door and Darven poked his head in, “Good you’re awake.
Have you seen outside? It’s a beautiful day to crown a King!”
    Aran nodded,
“How are the preparations going?”
    Darven came in
and sat on the bed, “Well, the throne room is awash with colour.
All the hangings and banners have been cleaned and rehung. Alissa
has raided all the Keep gardens and there are flowers in every nook
and cranny, so much so that the entire Keep smells like a flower
garden. Archmage Maran and the Captain have been keeping everyone
rushing around since sun-up getting everything organised.”
    The Wolf
Leader grinned, “You are the only person in the Keep who has been
allowed the luxury of a sleep-in.”
    There was
another step at the door, “Breakfast,” a voice called out.
    Alem quickly
went around the doorframe and came back with a large tray laden
with food.
    Aran grinned
at Darven, “Let’s share, the kitchen always give me too much to
    Darven nodded,
“Aye…I’ve been going since before dawn and I haven’t broken my fast
    Darven glanced
at the sun outside, “Are you ready to go and get armoured up. It is
almost an hour before midday.”
    Aran nodded,
pulling on his boots and buckled the Kings sword about his waist,
then finally throwing his heavy black wool cloak over his shoulders
he glanced at Darven and nodded, “Let’s go.”
    Alem collected
a few items from the bed-chamber, and then the three men quickly
made their way down through the corridors and stairs of the
internal Keep.
    Aran looked
around for the Keep seemed deserted.
    “Where is
everyone?” he asked.
    Darven laughed
“In their quarters. Tradition states that all must remain there
until it is time for everyone to gather in the throne room.”
    Aran shook his
head in bewilderment, “Another custom?”
    The Wolf
Leader smiled and nodded, “Aye, the heir must not be seen to be in
the Keep until the time of crowning. Even the Guard will stay
within barracks, and the ones that are on duty at the gatehouse
will close or avert their eyes as we pass. So don’t try and
acknowledge them, they will ignore your presence.”

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