The Heartwood Box: A Fairy Tale

The Heartwood Box: A Fairy Tale by Lilia Ford

Book: The Heartwood Box: A Fairy Tale by Lilia Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lilia Ford
grown from the ceremony at Titania’s Altar . A number of men wearing black uniforms had arrived — fellow officers from the garrison . Genevieve also realized that while they’d been occupied, the ale casks had been bre a ched, and the guests were already well along in the revelry .
    Moments after they made their entrance, Donal was on hand with a great stein, apparently some family heirloom, insisting that they drink to their marriage . Damian put her on the ground so she could drink first . Genevieve couldn’t abide ale and took the tiniest sip possible, which led to mock cries of outrage . Apparently it was bad luck if they didn’t finish it .
    The cup was given to Damian who had to drink it down as the men counted . Thankfully, Derek was also th ere, holding a cup to her mouth that turned out to be filled with iced lemon-water . She was parched and for once didn’t mind his bossiness .
    There was an explosion of cheers as Damian drained the stein and turned it upside down . Donal immediately began yelling for the musicians to begin . Genevieve just had time to return her cup to Derek, when Damian spun her into a fast reel .
    The next half hour passed in a blur of motion as she danced with her father, Declan, Donal, and several officers . She was relieved when she saw Donal leading Sally to the floor — at least one of the Black brothers had decided to make peace with her friend . She was even happier when she saw Sally joyfully spinning around the floor with Peter Crane.
    She was less relieved when Donal dragged her over to a shadowed corner where Derek was standing (hiding really), enjoying himself about as much as the average prisoner of war . Derek had not danced once and gave his brother a deadly look when Donal shoved her hand in his . Genevieve tried to back away, not wanting to make Derek uncomfortable, but he made an impatient sigh an d pulled her out on the floor.
    To her surprise, he was an excellent dancer . For all his stiffness with people, he moved with the same uncommon grace of all the men of his family . His refusal to dance was just his usual temper .
    Genevieve felt some pity for him . She knew too well what it was like to be surrounded by people enjoying themselves while she felt like a miserab le blotch on their happiness.
    Her good will was short-lived , however . They’d circled the floor one time, when Derek demanded in an accusatory tone, “Have you eaten anything since breakfast?”
    Genevieve’s back was immediately up . In fact, she’d been too nervous to eat, but she had no intention of bowing to Derek’s tyranny at her own wedding.
    “Congratulations on your marriage, Genevieve, I wish you every joy . What a lovely dress,” she said, with insincere pleasantness . “Why thank you, Derek, how kind of you to say that.” 
    His expression became livid, and he gave her a very sharp shake . “I asked you a question ! ”
    Genevieve wasn’t sure what possessed her, but she said in an insolent tone, “Not a single bite!” 
    She’d never spoken to anyone like that in her life, but something in Derek made her desperate to provoke him . Derek immediately stopped dancing and grabbed her by the upper arm . Genevieve turned crimson but forced herself to smile in spite of her rage as Derek marched her over to the banquet tables that had been laid out with all their neighbors’ contributions .
    He gave her a warning look, before letting go of her arm so he could fill a plate . Genevieve sensed that if she tried to escape, Derek would simply drag her back . She searched the crowd for Damian or Donal who might rescue her from Derek’s tyrannical form of care . But Damian was dancing with the priestess, and Donal with her mother .
    When he’d piled her plate, Derek pulled her along to one of the long tables, which were mostly filled with old men who preferred ale to dancing . He found them an unoccupied end, pushed her onto the bench, and took a seat next to her .
    She took the fork he

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