The Heart's Shrapnel

The Heart's Shrapnel by S. J. Lynn

Book: The Heart's Shrapnel by S. J. Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. J. Lynn
can hear the smile in her voice, and I grin despite myself. “Nah, that’s okay. He’s probably tired.”
    Mandy huffs into the phone. “Yeah, I’ll see if he wants to come.”
    We hang up and I look down at my attire. I still haven’t changed from work, and I could use a shower. I reek.
    Showering, I do all my essentials—wash my hair, shave, and oil my skin. The demands of this new job can be draining, and I know it will only get tougher.
    Once I’m out of the shower, I blow dry my hair and style it in a messy bun. I opt for a pair of yoga pants and a long T-shirt that hangs off my shoulder. I don’t even mess with any makeup. It’s probably best I don’t look as if I’m trying too hard. Or at all. A little moisturizer and some lip gloss should be enough.
    The bell rings, startling me as I rush to put on my other sock.
    “Coming!” I yell.
    I take one last good look in the mirror for peace of mind, head to the door, and open it. Mandy stands on one side with Ryan who’s holding the bowl of salad, and Lily on the other with Dylan who has the drinks. I glance to see if Phillip is there behind them and hope I’m not too obvious about it. He’s nowhere to be seen, and I feel a wave of disappointment.
    “He’ll be a little late. He had something important to do, but he’ll be here,” Ryan says.
    So much for not being too obvious. But his words could not have made me happier. Still, I go for ambivalence. “Oh, yeah, that’s fine. I wasn’t sure he’d be coming anyway.”
    Ryan shoots Mandy a look.
    “Come in.” I step aside.
    Mandy takes off her coat, and Ryan takes it with his free hand.
    I grab the bowl of salad from him and take it to the table.
    “Wow, girl. You fixed up this place nice. Looks like you.”
    I laugh. “Okay, I hope that isn’t a bad thing.”
    “No, not at all. It’s very charming and adorable.”
    “Gee, thanks.”
    Dylan brings over the drinks and Lily follows. They’re a good looking couple. So are Mandy and Ryan. They all just fit, and suddenly I feel like a fifth wheel in my own house. This is not how I wanted tonight to go. But, I’m happy for them. I just hope the girls know this is a temporary thing. Once we are no longer needed here, we all will be going our separate ways.
    Everyone sits at the table, chatting away happily while I take out the lasagna and set it on the stove to cool for a few minutes. The doorbell rings, sending a spike of adrenaline up my spine.
    He came.
    “I’ll get it,” I say to no one in particular. They don’t even seem to register the doorbell.
    I take a deep breath to calm myself. Why am I so nervous?
    I open the door to Phillip in a regular pair of blue jeans and a T-shirt that fits snug to every rivet of muscle. He holds a case of Budweiser in one hand and, to my surprise, Labatt’s Blue in the other.
    He lifts it. “If I remembered correctly, this is what you like to drink.”
    A warm smile spreads across my lips. “Yes, it is. Thank you.”
    “My pleasure.” His voice hangs in the air—a silk caress to my ears. Somehow, I remember to invite him in instead of keeping him on my front porch all night.
    “Sorry, come in.” Flustered, I move aside, allowing ample room for his strong body.
    “Thanks. Sorry, I’m late, but something urgent came up and couldn’t wait.”
    “I understand. I wasn’t even sure if you were coming.” I just hoped. It isn’t until he’s inside the house that I notice how exhausted he looks. His eyes are a little red and not as bright as they usually are. Whatever it was must have been draining. A slither of guilt runs through me. He probably wanted to go home and sleep.
    “Hey, let me take one of those,” I offer.
    “No, I got it. Just tell me where to put it.”
    “Oh, um, on the counter is fine. I’ll make room in the fridge.” He nods and heads into the kitchen a few steps away. It’s a small place, but I don’t need much.
    While everyone greets each other, I make room for the beer in the

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