The Heart That Lies
difference, to me, except, of course, that I shall miss Lady Caroline.”
    “And I, you, Anna, my dear. You will recover more quickly in the country than here. I always think London is so unhealthy.”
    “Yet you hardly leave it,” muttered Meldon.
    “Do speak clearly, George, you know Mother is a little deaf now. She won’t like it if you mumble so.”
    “I’m sure that she, like you, will leave me in no doubt when I displease her.”
    “Please take care of Miss Smith.”
    “Of course. Miss Smith’s comfort is my only concern.”
    “I shall see you soon enough, Anna. George usually has a ball in November.”
    He saw Anna’s eyes widen at the thought of still being in his care in November, but she said nothing.

Chapter Five
    The journey to Hampshire was as comfortable as Meldon could make it, but Anna suffered nonetheless. Early in the morning Perkins had carried her down to the street where he and Meldon had struggled to get her into the carriage without hurting her. Then Meldon had taken her into his lap.
    “Please forgive the impropriety, Miss Smith, but I think you will be jolted less if I hold you.”
    Anna had said nothing as Meldon slipped both his arms around her. She tried to keep herself upright so that she didn’t have to touch his body, but tiredness prevailed and she fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. When she awoke she realised that this was the most comfortable way to travel. Anna knew that the carriage jolted in and out of ruts, but she was spared the worst of it. Meldon did not talk much, for which she was grateful.
    It was only when they reached the inn where they were to spend their first night that she realised what her relative comfort had cost him. Meldon had handed her out into Perkins’ arms and they had gone into the inn. Over Perkins’ shoulder Anna watched the coachman help Meldon out. The earl could barely move and had had to lean on both his stick and the coachman to walk into the inn. No wonder he had barely spoken all day; it must have cost him everything to keep hold of her.
    It was some time before he visited her in her room and his pain was written on his face, yet he smiled at her.
    “I have arranged for us to dine in here. I hope that is acceptable.”
    “As you wish.” He was visibly upset by her coldness and she resolved to be kinder.
    He lowered himself carefully into the chair and looked at her.
    “I trust you were comfortable enough in the coach.”
    “I was very comfortable, but I fear you were not.”
    “That is of no matter.”
    “But it is ,” she protested. “You can barely walk.”
    “I walk with difficulty anyway. It is my fault that you were injured; it is only right that I should suffer.”
    “But I called you out.”
    “So you did. Won’t you tell me why?”
    This time h e asked as if it was the only thing that interested him. Perhaps it was.  His eyes were fixed on hers and she could not look away. Anna briefly considered telling him, but now was not the time. Since he had discovered that she was not a man, he had become more distant and more courteous. She had expected the latter, but not the former. Meldon had been easy in Smith’s company and it had seemed that he had liked her, but now she wondered whether he was disappointed to find her a woman. Perhaps it was the duel that had changed everything for him. Oh, but she was a simpleton, of course that had been the reason for the change. She had made it look as if he had cheated in front of his friends and then tried to kill him. Only a fool would want to be closer to someone like that and Meldon was no fool. Even explaining her actions would not make everything right again, not now.
    “No, I see you won’t.” Meldon shook his head sadly.
    She had thought about it too long and the moment had passed.
    Meldon was silent throughout the meal and excused himself as soon as he had seen her comfortably settled. It was clear that the day’s journey had exhausted him.

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