The Heart of Revenge
little lower, asking “You not getting ready? ... You come to mi
room with your mud-up hands and beating down people door like the
house burning down. The house a burn down?” A smirk stretched her
lips towards her ears. I could sense that she was guilty. She
almost wanted to laugh, I could see the muscles flinching at the
corner of her lips in her big red face, fighting to hold back her
giggles, she smiled while saying, “Mi can nyam all the ice-cream mi
feel like, mi not farting down nowhere, after mi not
lactose-intolerant or have weak bowels.” It sounded funny, but mi
never laugh. Mi vex till mi want bust. She couldn’t hold down the
laugh anymore, she burst out into a big hell of a down-town laugh,
with one hand patting her thigh. From that gesture, nobody can’t
tell me is not Pinky nyam out the ice cream, all if God come off
the cross today and tell mi is not Pinky, mi still won’t believe.
She too terrible man, mi eyes beaming anger into hers, red like
blood and she still laughing and said. “And even if mi belly take
mi today, whole heap a toilet tissue in the bathroom, so what? Mi
not afraid of running belly.”
    “Is you nyam out the rass cream enuh. Playing
like you innocent. YOU! You same one nyam it out.” Pinky patted her
bosom slowly, one time, while dragging out her reply,
    “Miiii? ... Mi? Poor mi ... Lightning strike
mi right here so, mi don’t touch a thing darling dear. Check
again.” She turned her back and walked off leave mi fuming, rolling
her ass to her bed,
    “Is you! Who else would’ve dig, dig-up the
ice-cream so? Eeeh?” The culprit sucked her teeth disregarding my
accusation. It didn’t seem to get to her one bit. It was then I
realised maybe it really wasn’t she. Who then? Mommy? Pinky didn’t
reach her bed yet,
    “Hsst. Listen to mi nuh little boy, don’t
draw mi tongue, you hear mi. Is that you really come bother mi
peace ’bout? Before you go bathe.” She reached her bed and before
sitting said, “So what you gone do if is mi eat it? Beat mi? ... Is
that you come in here to do? See mi here. Come beat.” She touched
into her chest showing me where she is then began bending to sit on
the bed. “Who you suppose to fight you not fighting. Why you never
stab up Beanie when you take out the kitchen knife and go look for
him? Is mi you have strength for?” She sat beside a small pile of
colourful clothes cluttered on the bed, dragged a batty-rider jeans
shorts from under her legs that squeezed her under her thigh. She
winced, and wrinkled her face like a raisin while dragging it out,
tossed it close to the messy pile. I glared, pressed my fingers in
my palm, sunk them pretending I was squeezing Pinky’s neck for
eating out the youths’ ice-cream. My fingers felt a bit stiff from
the mud beginning to dry and harden around them. Her face got
lighter and boastfully bragged,
    “Ice cream can't hold mi, that little toops
of ice-cream would’ve just drop one-side in one well in mi belly.”
She began to turn her head of false hair towards me. “If mi did
ever walk through your cream lastnight you would’ve stay anywhere
you at and feel it, ’cause is the whole box of cream mi would’ve
brush off clean and lick out the plastic bag.” She looked right in
my eyes and blinked once and the whole demeanour on her face
changed to a jovial one. “You can stay there, is a empty box you
would’ve come see lock up back well neat in the fridge like it
don’t touch yet.” She spanned the wiry smirk on her face. “You must
thank God mi never go in the freezer, hsst lucky yaah.” I
was just standing at her open door, glaring at her in disgust, she
fanned me off and said, “Go bathe your skin and move from mi door
with your dirty hands them...” The pupil of her eyes went to the
brown mud spots on her white door, mi never want she spot them
enuh. “Look how you dirty up mi door ... You going to shine it off
back with piece of wet cloth, you know that.”
    I didn’t

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