The Heart of Revenge
smoothly, making flowy waves over her
skin as I tongue kissed her thigh, closing my eyes, humming in
horny delight into her flesh, the vibration of my base voice
humming into her thigh sent thrills up her pussy and twisted her
spine. She rose her hips, held my head steady and tried to feed her
pussy into my face, my mouth, force her pussy down on my warm
lengthy tongue, sit on it, ride it. Her juices drizzled down,
seeping to the edges of her horny orifice, wetting the walls of her
soft pink lips.
    Imagine the feeling.
    And then I realised I hadn’t even touched her
pussy yet.

A Clean Heart, Muddy Hands and Who Breed
    by: Vance Lexings
    You ever hear ’bout vex? Jah know, is because
you don’t know how it hurt mi bad. Just burning mi and eating up mi
brain, if mi don’t tackle Pinky ’bout how she dig-up the ice-cream,
mi can't cool off. And how she one manage to eat off almost half of
the three gallon cream? Her belly must cut her today. Mi mind can’t
settle down. Not even wash mi don’t wash off mi hands, is straight
to Pinky room mi march, elbowed her door three times, three loud
bangs, ‘BOOP! BOOP! BOOP!’ like mi a landlord and she owe mi seven
months’ rent. A little of the mud flashed from my hand, splashed
onto her white door. She didn’t open the door quickly. I couldn’t
wait, before it was opened I yelled through the closed door,
    “WANGA GUT Pinky! You awful eeh gal! ...”
Mommy hates when I use the Patois word, ‘nyam’ instead of the
English word, ‘eat’, as if it is not just a Jamaican word for eat,
or as if it is a badword, but to how mi head on fire, is that word
mi use to tell Pinky mi mind, ‘nyam’. Mi keep on cursing, “You one
sit down and nyam off nearly gallon and a half of the cream, mi
hope is so-so fart you fart up yourself in the wedding later. Pure
fart.” Mi don’t like wish bad on people, but Pinky really got on
the tip of mi nerves, God know. Mi continue to tell her anything
that came to my mouth, “Mi hope you don’t stop fart till you batty
bust! SPLIT UP INNA TWO! You too craven man!”
    The door still wasn’t opened and I could
swear I heard her laughing away inside. I elbowed the door again,
one knock, ‘BOOP!’ pure mud fly on the door. Mi start to curse
again, “You love your belly too much. You not going to stop nyam
out people things out the fridge till you nyam poison. Watch if mi
not going to set rat poison with icing ontop inside there for you.
Make it bang your rass belly.” I loved Pinky but right now I just
had to tell her what was on my mind and how I felt. It really hurt
mi star, because mi done plan everything for the youth club and
Pinky not even look like is taste she taste little of the ice-cream
is wad she wad her rass belly with the cream. I continued to fume,
“A bet once mi pretty up the rat poison you thief it out. And nyam
it off. Watch if you not going to swell up and stretch out.”
    Pinky didn’t sound peaceful when she yelled
back from inside her room,
    "You! You mustn’t call nobody craven, who
craven like you? And when you going to no little party or nine
night you walk with your pickle-pepper in hitch up inside of your
back-pocket. Just waiting on the people them free food.” I heard a
break of silence then she belled out as if angry,"You must stop
walk with pickle pepper in your back pocket man!”
    She stepped on my corn, I grew angry, shouted
loud “CRAVEN GAL! You too craven for gal.”
    It’s not wicked mi wicked why mi calling mi
sister craven, but anybody who swallow down one small nail in their
food when they eating, don’t deserve to pass it out easy, they
deserve to pee-pee it out and have pure problem to pee-pee it out,
because is just raw-chaw cravenness that. Pinky never chewing her
food properly yet, just cut and swallow. Yes, Pinky swallow one
small nail in her food already.
    “You see when mi nyam out nothing?” She swung
the door open, looked at me, spoke slower and dipped her voice

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