The Heart of Fire

The Heart of Fire by Michael J. Ward Page B

Book: The Heart of Fire by Michael J. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael J. Ward
Tags: Fantasy
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legacy will live on.’
    The shadows wind their way across the stony ground. When they reach the far wall they creep up the cracked stonework, forming a doorway of midnight black.
    ‘Your head is full of stones,’ hisses the voice. ‘Fill it with memory.’
    You take a step towards the door. Suddenly the torches go out, throwing the room into freezing darkness. A second later they reignite, their blue radiance falling on a vast array of treasures.
Somehow you have been transported to an ancient vault, beneath the hill.
    There is the sound of grating, squealing rock. You turn around to see a short passageway, leading up to a circle of daylight . . . but, alarmingly, you see that the circle is growing smaller,
threatening to trap you here forever. You realise that you have mere seconds to grab what you can from the Wiccan warrior’s tomb.
    To your left is a pile of weapons and armour. To your right is a long oak chest, inlaid with runes of iron.
Will you:
Search the weapons and armour? — 50
Open the chest? — 34
    You emerge in a huge cavern, brightly lit by luminous mushrooms growing along the walls. It is hard to get a sense of scale, even with the light – the ceiling is lost
from view, somewhere in the chill darkness above. The wind provides the only sound in this vast space, making an eerie moaning sound as it whistles between the rocks and channels.
    Warily, the party progresses across the cavern. After a hundred metres you hear Surl making a disgusted grunt. His foot is caught in something green and sticky. As he tugs his foot loose, he
pokes at the slime with his sword.
    ‘What’s this? he sniffs. ‘Hey, we got some goblin snot!’
    ‘Shut it,’ growls the captain, eyeing his surroundings warily. ‘I heard something . . .’
    Everyone is silent, turning slowly on the spot. For a moment all you can hear is the murmur of the wind, then you hear something else – a skittering, metallic sound. It is hard to make out
where it is coming from. Slowly, your eyes are drawn upwards, towards the dark ceiling . . .
    Then you hear a cry from behind you. Spinning around, you manage to catch sight of the young mage being dragged into the air, kicking and flailing. He is lost from sight in seconds.
    ‘What is it?’ shouts Vas, falling into a crouch. ‘I don’t see—’
    There is another scream, as one of the party is hit by something – it looks like a stream of green sticky goo. They are slammed back onto the ground. Then another streaks out of the dark,
hitting the unfortunate mercenary and yanking them off their feet. You are about to run to their aid . . . then all hell breaks loose.
    From above you, more gooey threads rain down from the dark. Several hit members of the group, who barely have time to register their shock before being tugged upwards by some powerful force.
    ‘Move it!’ bellows the captain. He raises his shield just in time to block one of the sticky strands. It splats across the face of the shield, which is ripped from his grasp and goes
hurtling back up into the darkness. ‘Give us some covering fire. Artillery!’
    He races forward, the others following, while one of the remaining mages hurls a blazing ball of fire across the cavern. As the flames arch overhead, they illuminate the ceiling of the cave for
the briefest of moments – and there, scuttling over the dark rock, is a swarm of giant insects.
    ‘Ants!’ shouts Surl. ‘Bloomin’ ants! Run!’
    To dodge the gooey missiles you will need to take a
Outrun the slime     
    If you are successful, turn to 186 . If you fail the
challenge, turn to 281 .

    You hand over the
household spirit
, much to Anna’s delight. ‘Oh, this is wonderful!’ she gasps, clutching it tightly to her cheek. ‘Oh, I never
thought my dear twins would be reunited. Here, take one of my special remedies as a reward for your kindness!’
    You may now choose one of the

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