The Heart of Fire

The Heart of Fire by Michael J. Ward Page A

Book: The Heart of Fire by Michael J. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael J. Ward
Tags: Fantasy
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Resting on the lower mattress is a human hand preserved in
a bottle of vinegar. ‘Who would want to keep
?’ they grimace.
    If you wish, you may take one of the following items:
    Marauder’s bandanna
Motley band
Luke’s left hand
+1 brawn
+1 brawn +1 magic
Ability: high five!
Ability: sneak
    Finding little else of interest in the crew’s quarters, you head back to the deck. Turn to 159 .
    ‘I am a priest, devoted to the One God,’ says Benin, proudly. ‘My power comes from within – from my kha.’ He glances around at the smoking circle
of devastation. ‘I prefer to use my powers for good – for healing – but there are times when more . . . direct measures are required.’
Will you:
Ask Benin what he is doing here? — 57
Examine the remains of the creatures? — 133
Continue on your journey? — 157
    You are able to make sense of the complex runes and glyphs. They provide a powerful set of enchantments designed to punish unruly spirits. If you wish, you may take the
following item:
    Book of Binding
    This ancient tome might
    prove useful in the future
    You find little else of interest amongst the other books and scrolls. You may now examine the parchment on the table (turn to 362 ) or leave the
room via the iron door (turn to 46 ).

    ‘What’s there to know about Carvel, dearie?’ The woman frowns, screwing up her face. ‘It’s the end of the road – the cross on the map
– for those looking for some place better. Allam was the first, a prophet and a king’s son. Brought the whole army here on some holy crusade. Well, he pops his clogs and now look what
we got,’ she nods to her boisterous clientele, who are currently singing a bawdy song about a barmaid and a saint. ‘I followed one of them here; a simple man with dreams of making a new
start. He didn’t find what he was looking for, but I did.’ She lifts up her hands, gesturing to her surroundings. ‘I suppose love got me something worthwhile, in the
    Return to 52 to ask the bar woman another question.
    You drop the bark shavings into the mixture and stir it around with one of the spoons. To your surprise the bark quickly dissolves into the liquid, giving off a
pungent-smelling steam. As you continue to observe your creation, the mixture starts to change colour – going from green to brown, then to a bright golden-yellow. You hold it up, marvelling
at the shimmering magic that seems to dance around the bottle. Could this be the cure? It certainly looks like you have created a powerful elixir of some description. You must now take:
    Unknown elixir (1 use)
    This could be the miracle
    cure that Eldias needs
    With your work in the laboratory complete, you hurry back to the church. Turn to 372 .

    The statue shows a young man in his early twenties, dressed in long decorative robes. In his right hand he holds a staff; in the other a book. A marble plaque at the foot of
the statue reads:
    Saint Allam Medes
    Third blood of King Gerard I
    Pray for the soul of the prophet.
    By his will and faith
    the One God’s light was brought to the west.
    One of the guards steps forward, his hand tightening around his sword grip. ‘Not too close, stranger. No one touches the statue.’ He scowls at the rows of pilgrims that are kneeling
in prayer. ‘Someone tried to deface it last week. A Wiccan disguised as a pilgrim. Trust no one.’ He glares at you intently, until you move away from the statue.
    Turn to 77 to continue your exploration of upper town.
    You have chosen the path of the rogue. You may permanently increase your
by 5 (to 35). Make a note of this change on your hero sheet. Then turn to 182 .
    You smash through the shield, severing the shadow warrior cleanly in two. As you stagger back, breathing hard from the fight, you hear the voice once again in your ear.
    ‘The Wiccan will endure. Our

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