The Hatfields and the McCoys

The Hatfields and the McCoys by Otis K. K. Rice

Book: The Hatfields and the McCoys by Otis K. K. Rice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Otis K. K. Rice
Creek; reported departure from W. Va.; efforts to capture; trial for moonshining; interviewed; alleged influence of Keadle on; seeks to have charges expunged; last years; death and funeral
    Hatfield, William Anderson, Jr. (“Cap”); in 1880 Blackberry Creek election; rescues Johnse Hatfield; on child of Rose Anna McCoy; in capture of McCoy brothers; indicted for McCoy brothers, murder; as feud leader; beats Mary Daniels; kills Jeff McCoy; warrant for; plans New Year’s Night attack on McCoys; and death of Alifair McCoy; alleged bribery of Mounts; reported departure from W. Va.; efforts to capture; seeks to end feud; rumors of death of; kills Rutherfords and Chambers; becomes a lawyer; becomes sheriff
    Hatfield Bend (of Tug Fork)
    Hatfield Branch (of Blackberry Creek)
    Hatfield family: described; in Civil War; in Logan County politics; later history
    Hatfield-McCoy feud: origins; compared with other feuds; politicization of; passim; hampers industrial progress in Tug Valley; end of; myths regarding
    Hatfield Partisans: defy arrest; reward for; resist extradition; described; interviewed; possibility of escape from jail; in Louisville trials; tried in Pikeville
    Hatfield Tunnel (on Norfolk and Western Railroad)
    Hazard, Ky.
    Hill, Sam E.
    Home Guards. See also Confederates; Logan Wildcats
    Howell, Charles S.
    Humphrey, Cook
    Huntington, W. Va.
    Huntington Advertiser
    Huntington Times
    Hurley, Josiah
    Island Creek, W. Va.
    Jackson, Howell E.
    Jackson, John J.
    Jackson, William L.
    Jett-Little feud
    Johns Creek, Ky.
    Jones, Virgil C.
    Justice family
    Keadle, NJ. (“Doc”)
    Kelley, Charles
    Kelley, Steve
    Kentucky Court of Appeals
    Kentucky General Assembly
    Kentucky militia
    Kimball, Frederick J.
    Kinner, S.G.
    Knott, J. Proctor
    Knott County, Ky.
    Lambert, Philip
    Lawrence County, Ky.
    Lawson, Melville
    Lesley, James H.
    Leslie County, Ky.
    Letcher County, Ky.
    Levisa Fork (of Big Sandy River)
    Lexington, Ky.
    Lilly, Henry Clay
    Lincoln County, W. Va.
    Little, Bob
    Little family
    Logan, D. Boone
    Logan, W. Va.
    Logan Banner (W. Va.)
    Logan County, W. Va.
    Logan County Circuit Court
    Logan County Regulators
    Logan Wildcats
    Louisa, Ky.
    Louisville, Ky.
    Louisville Courier-Journal
    MacCorlde, William A.
    McCoy, Adelaide; in New Year’s Night attacks
    McCoy, Albert
    McCoy, Alifair, McCoy, Allen, McCoy, Andrew
    McCoy, Asa
    McCoy, Asa Harmon
    McCoy, Asa Harmon, Jr. (“Bud”); seeks revenge; in battle of Grapevine Creek; indicted
    McCoy, Asa Peter
    McCoy, Betty Blankenship
    McCoy, Calvin; fight with Staton; in New Year’s Night attack; killed
    McCoy, Daniel (father of Randolph)
    McCoy, Daniel
    McCoy, Elizabeth
    McCoy, Fanny
    McCoy, Floyd
    McCoy, Jacob
    McCoy, James H. (“Jim”); in seizure of Johnse Hatfield; brothers killed; at Grapevine Creek; indicted; at Hatfield trial; refuses to expunge Hatfield indictments; last years
    McCoy, Jeff; kills Fred Wolford; troubles with Cap Hatfield; killed
    McCoy, John
    McCoy, Josephine
    McCoy, Julia Ann
    McCoy, Larkin
    McCoy, L.D.
    McCoy, Lilburn
    McCoy, L.S.
    McCoy, Martha Cline
    McCoy, Mary
    McCoy, Mary Butcher
    McCoy, Melvin: reputed child of Rose Anna McCoy
    McCoy, Nancy; marriage to Johnse Hatfield; acts as informer; marries Frank Phillips
    McCoy, Paris
    McCoy, Pharmer; in killing of Ellison Hatfield; arrest of; held by Hatfields; killed
    McCoy, Pleasant
    McCoy, Randolph; sketch of; residence of; religious views; in Civil War; in hog theft case; in seizure of Johnse Hatfield; refuses to forgive Rose Anna; sons captured; vengefulness of; passim; plans of Hatfields to kill; in New Year’s Night attack; demands prosecution of Hatfields; interviewed; testimony in Hatfield trial; last years
    McCoy, Randolph, Jr. (“Bud”); in killing of Ellison Hatfield; seized by Hatfields; killed
    McCoy, Rose Anna; described; romance with Johnse Hatfield; warns Johnse of danger; child of; cares for mother; death
    McCoy, Sam (nephew of Randolph)
    McCoy, Samuel

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