The Harvest (Book 1)

The Harvest (Book 1) by Anne Ferretti Page B

Book: The Harvest (Book 1) by Anne Ferretti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Ferretti
Tags: Sci-Fi/Apocalyptic
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new ones.
    A few minutes later, Madison rushed in carrying bags overflowing with all the medical supplies she could find in the store. “Is he gonna make it?”
    Edward’s empty gaze stared into space. “Not a cupcake.” He mumbled before his conscious mind graciously took leave, allowing him to fall into a deep slumber.

    Six Months Earlier
    Plainfield, Illinois
    8:00 am. Jenni McGrath, a pretty young woman with brilliant green eyes and soft blonde hair, pushed a swing that held her son, seven year old Ryan. All around them sat neat piles of colorful fall leaves. Edward, her husband of ten years, raked the last stragglers into a nearby pile.
    He leaned on his rake and admired his wife and son. Ryan screamed in delighted fear as he soared high into the air. Jenni turned, threw Edward a warm smile. They were a very tight trio.  A connection made so by the three miscarriages Jenni had before finally carrying their fourth child, Ryan, almost full term. He was born a month premature and spent six weeks in ICU before they could take him home. After hearing Ryan’s robust hollering, no one would have guessed that the doctors had fretted over his poor lung development.
    The sun disappeared behind a cloud and the landscape lost all its vibrancy. A slight breeze picked up a few leaves from Edward’s piles, tossing them back on the brown grass. Edward’s smile faded to a frown. He viewed the sky with distrust and a grumble. The breeze answered his grumble by increasing in strength. And with one gust the fruits of Edward’s labor were scattered across the lawn.
    Edward stared dumbfounded at the leaves; the rake fell from his hand. Jenni stopped pushing the swing. Ryan didn’t hesitate to jump off, and run over to his dad. He picked up the rake.
    “I’ll help you dad.” He flung leaves everywhere. “Come on mom.” He waved Jenni over. 
    “Should I get some bags?” Jenni took Edward’s hand.
    “That would help.” He kicked a leaf from his shoe. “And the other rake, if you would please.”
    “Sure thing boss.” She reached up, kissed his cheek. “Time to let the professionals take over.” He smiled now. After all they were only leaves.
    While Jenni was off in search of bags, Edward and Ryan raked leaves into a monstrous pile which they promptly ran through at full speed. Edward ran and dove onto the pile. Ryan jumped on top of him. They wrestled for a bit, before they both rolled over onto their backs. Ryan took Edward’s hand in his.  Father and son stared up at the gray sky.
    “Are the Bears gonna win the Superbowl this year dad?”
    “Of course they are. Maybe. Well it’s really hard to say this early in the season.”
    “I hope they win. I hope they beat the Cowboys good too.” Ryan punched at invisible foes. “Dad. Why do leaves fall off the trees?”
    “It’s part of their life cycle. They fall off so new ones can grow in the spring.”
    “Why do people die?”
    “Because they…they’ve lived a long life and it’s time for them to go to Heaven.” He glanced down at his son, whose forehead was creased. If Edward could glimpse inside he would see his son’s little brain working hard over something he had heard at school.
    “Have I lived a long life?”
    Edward laughed. “Not even close. A long life is like a hundred years, not seven. Why Ryan?”
    “Cuz Charlie Jenner said his sister Sarah was going to die soon.” He shifted to turn innocent blue eyes up to his father. “And she’s only six.”
    “Oh. Well Sarah’s body is…you see Ryan… it’s like this…” Edward fumbled.
    “Charlie said it’s cuz she has cancer termites and they’re eating her bones up like wood termites do when they eat a tree or your house. I told him that wasn’t true. I told him cancer was a disease not a bug. It’s not true is it dad? Are cancer termites really eating her bones?” Ryan posed his questions in the same matter of fact way as the millions of others he

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