The Harvest (Book 1)

The Harvest (Book 1) by Anne Ferretti Page A

Book: The Harvest (Book 1) by Anne Ferretti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Ferretti
Tags: Sci-Fi/Apocalyptic
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down to his knees. 
    “Who shot me god damn it?” He screamed, more out of anger than pain.
    The others shook their heads and looked around at each other. One of them spotted Madison and nudged the one next to him. Soon they all turned to stare at her. The street turned very quiet.
    “Who wants it next?” She yelled at them, holding her gun high.
    The wounded one hobbled to the front of the pack. He looked her up and down, took in her gun, and snickered. “Look it here fellas, we got us another female sacrifice.”
    Loud excited whoops followed this announcement. Madison back stepped a bit when she noticed too late the guns hidden beneath their coats. “Don’t run off now sweet thing.” The wounded boy limped towards her, blood dripping down his leg leaving a trail on the snow.
    “Come closer and I’ll blow your head off.” She aimed her weapon at his head.
    “Come closer and I’ll bite your head off.” He clicked his teeth under his mask. “It’s been a while since we’ve had female meat. So much sweeter than a dude’s.” His eyes traveled over her body.
    The group slowly maneuvered around Madison. She couldn’t keep her gun on all of them, and she couldn’t shoot any of them without being shot. The wounded boy continued to taunt her, moving towards her until the tip of her gun barrel touched his chest. Using the back of his hand, he pushed her gun to the side.
    Madison pushed back, bringing her gun back to point at his chest. “Back off or I’ll shoot.”
    “You’ve already shot once.” He snickered. “I don’t think you understand the precarious position you’re in.”
    Madison took a deep calming breath. She knew Austin and Luke were close by. She flipped her weapon around handle first, allowing one of the pack to take it from her. Another came up behind her and pulled off her face mask. They all stopped.
    “Maybe we don’t sacrifice her.” The wounded boy remarked. “Maybe we keep her as a pet.”
    The pack liked this idea. They took turns touching Madison’s face, patting her head. She stood for this abuse, biding her time, until one of the boys squeezed her breast. She punched him hard, boxer style, which got her a back hand from the leader. He hit hard enough to knock her off balance and she stumbled, falling to one knee. The leader laughed. The pack laughed.
    Their laughter was cut off by rapid gunfire.
    From across the street Austin plowed them down with an AK forty seven he’d pilfered from a police station on his way through Texas. Bullets flew over Madison’s head, shattering the glass behind her. Within seconds the firing was over. The street went silent.
    “You ok?” Austin squatted down next to her.
    “Yeah. I’m fine.” She sat up, taking in the blood bath. “What just happened?”
    “I don’t know, but I don’t think we can stay here much longer.” He glanced up and down the street, expecting the gun shots to attract more pack members.
    “What about him?” She pointed to the man lying in the street.
    “I’ll take care of him. See what medical supplies you can find.”
    Austin returned to where the bloody man lay in the street. He appeared dead, but to Austin’s surprise was still breathing. “Hey, can you hear me?” Austin knelt next to him. The man answered with a groan.
    “Luke!” Austin yelled.
    “Right here.” He replied from behind Austin.
    “Help me get him inside the diner.” They gently pulled the stranger up from the street and half walked, half dragged him into the diner. “Take him to the back room.”
    “You got a name mister?” Luke held on to the beaten man, who wasn’t much more than skin and bones.
    “Ed…Edward.” His breathing was labored. “Names Ed McGrath.”
    “You’re safe now Ed. We’ll take care of you.” Luke helped him to the back room where Austin had cleared a space on the floor. They laid him on his side as easy as possible. The man was a mess and in a very delicate state. Old bruises had faded underneath the

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