The Happiest Season

The Happiest Season by Rosemarie Naramore Page A

Book: The Happiest Season by Rosemarie Naramore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosemarie Naramore
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countered.  “You love those
    “Of course, I do.  But there are times a break is welcome. 
Anyway…  If you could hide the gifts in your spare bedroom…”
    “I’ll have to be sure Rickey doesn’t dive in and do some
snooping if he happens to find them.”
    “They’re dolls.  He wouldn’t be interested.”
    “Probably not.”
    “I am bringing his gifts too,” Gloria informed.
    “Oh, Gloria, you shouldn’t have gotten him anything.  You
have so many of your own family to buy for.” 
    “Oh, pashaw,” she said.  “I love that little kid.  He’s
become like a grandchild to me.”
    “And he loves you like a grandmother.”
    “Which is precisely why I’m going to spoil him rotten.”  She
gave an impish grin.
    Maggie knew it wouldn’t do any good to argue with her friend,
since she wouldn’t be deterred.  Gloria knew cash was tight for Maggie, and she
couldn’t help herself—she just had to do for others. 
    “What time are you coming?”
    “What works for you?”
    “Anytime, actually.  We’ll be here.  John is coming over…”
    “Do tell,” Gloria cut in suggestively.
    “Hey, don’t even go there,” Maggie warned, and then
laughed.  “Oh, I forgot.  You don’t know.  Rickey and I had another visitor
last night.”
    Gloria gasped.  “The camel again!”
    “Nope.  This time it was a donkey.”
    “This is getting weird,” Gloria murmured.
    “Yes, it is, isn’t it?” Maggie agreed.
    “So … why is the hunky cop showing up?”
    “He’s going to help me lay sod.”
    “What?  It’s almost winter time.  And you have grass, don’t
you?  Or, have my eyes been playing tricks on me?”
    “I had grass, and still do have some, but the biggest part
of it is ruined, thanks to the donkey.”
    “I’d sue the donkey.”
    “Yeah, I’ll have to try that.”
    “Really, though.  Where’s the owner of these wayward beasts? 
He should be the one laying sod.”
    Maggie sighed.  “Unwilling to do much for me right now.  He
told me—via John—to do the repairs and to keep the receipts.”
    “Easy for him to say,” Gloria said drolly.
    “Yeah.  If an elephant shows up, I’m calling Homeland
    “If memory serves, elephants aren’t customarily part of
nativity scenes.”
    “Oh, yes, you’re right.  Thank God.”
    “Have you driven by that live nativity scene yet?” Gloria
asked.  “If not, you might want to.  It might behoove you to know what’s coming
    Maggie chuckled.  “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.  Maybe
Rickey and I will drive by tomorrow.”
    “Wait for me.  I’ll go with you.”
    “Okay.  See you tomorrow.  Bring fudge.”
    “Don’t I always?”
    Later, as Maggie slipped between the covers of her bed, she
revisited the last couple weeks in her thoughts.  Who knew her life could be
turned upside down by a couple escaped animals?  And who knew a handsome cop
with a Knight in Shining Armor complex would come to her rescue?
    She had to admit, since moving to her new town, she had met
some wonderful people.  She and Gloria, despite their age difference, had
become fast friends—even best friends.  She knew she was lucky to find people
she could rely on and she thanked God for them every day.
    She had been apprehensive about the move initially, worried
about uprooting Rickey and taking him away from the people and places he knew. 
But an inner voice had told her it was time to make a move. 
    She had to wonder, what was that inner voice trying to tell
her now?
    John rose early, having had a surprisingly restful night’s
sleep.  He hadn’t slept well for the past several months.  He wondered what had
prompted his good night’s rest, but knew he shouldn’t look a gift horse in the
    When his phone rang as he was stepping out of his shower,
his brows furrowed.  Who would be calling this early?
    It was the only explanation for an early morning call.  He
hesitated before

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