The Halloween Collection
her bangs,
and the maniacal heat that darkened her eyes only heightened the
starkness of her porcelain skin. “So we’re alone?”
    “Yeah, baby,” he growled while leaning
toward her.
    She smiled while eyeing his throat. “Take
off your jacket, so I can get better access to your neck.”
    “You like kink, baby?” he teased while
pulling one arm free from the jacket. “Ouch!” he yelped. “Damn
zombies!” he groaned, as a small needle prick in his thumb began to
    Her eyes bulged. “Here, let me.” She shoved
his thumb into her mouth with one fluid thrust.
    Ralphie thought he’d crème his thrift store
jeans at the erotic ministrations of her tongue swirling and
darting across his sore thumb. He threw his head back and
    In the next instant, she pushed him to the
    He landed with a thud, moaning at the pain
in his side. “Go easy, Raven,” he griped. “We’ve got all
    “You mean I’ve got all night. Your night is
about to end, dog breath.” She straddled him as her lips curled
back in a snarl.
    That’s when Ralphie noticed the two long and
very pointy fangs that extended nearly to her chin.
    “Holy shit! You’re a vampire!”
    She laughed. “And they say werewolves are
    Panic gripped his chest. “So does this mean
we’re not having sex?”
    She grabbed the collar of his shirt and tore
it off. “Roll over, dog, while I rip out your throat.”
    He bucked under her unusually heavy weight
as she exposed his chest, and he worried that she’d laugh at the
glaringly lack of hair surrounding his dark nipples.
    “What did I ever do to you?” he asked as he
struggled to conceal himself with his corduroy jacket.
    “We’re mortal enemies, remember?” she
sneered while baring her fangs. “And when I’m finished with you,
I’m going to feast on the rest of your mutt friends.”
    He swallowed hard. Getting his nut sack
chopped off seemed like a much better option. Besides, Raven was
looking a lot less sexy by the minute, and he didn’t know if he’d
have the desire to fuck a demonic spawn of Satan, who also wanted
to suck the life-blood out of his body.
    He yelped when she lunged on top of him,
pressing her stone-hard body on top of his feeble frame. In the
next moment, she was rolling onto the floor, screeching as she
clutched at a stick which was protruding from her chest. Ralphie
wondered how Raven had accidentally stuck herself with a stick that
looked very similar to the one he’d fetched earlier.
    He sat up, eyeing Raven with morbid
curiosity while scratching an itch on the back of his neck. “Damn
fleas,” he muttered.
    Her screeching intensified as her body
seized and convulsed. Ralphie only hoped she wouldn’t excrete any
bodily fluids, because Alpha’s mom would not be happy about vampire
piss on the carpet.
    Raven’s demonic screams of terror finally
subsided. Her stone cold body went limp as her head lolled to one
    Ralphie sighed. Not only did he lose a
really good fetching stick, but as the upstairs clock chimed the
stroke of midnight, he knew it was too late for him to get laid. By
morning, he’d have to say goodbye to his beloved nut-sack, and
worst of all, he feared his loss of manhood would cause him to lose
interest in his one true love. His gaze longingly swept to the
lonely cushion sitting on the sofa.
    The back door slid open and his pack
sauntered in. Each wolf was in human form and each had his face
painted as a member of the classic rock KISS band. They were all
clutching pillowcases filled to the brim with candy.
    Their eyes bugged when they looked at the
dead vamp on the floor.
    Alpha was the first to speak. “Ralphie
killed a vampire!”
    “No shit?” Buster came up beside him, eyeing
the vamp, then Ralphie, with skepticism.
    “Yeah.” Ralphie shook his head. “But I
didn’t have sex with her.”
    An enormous grin split Alpha’s face, and the
black flames painted around his eyes seemed to twinkle. “You know

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