The Guardians of Sol

The Guardians of Sol by Spencer Kettenring Page A

Book: The Guardians of Sol by Spencer Kettenring Read Free Book Online
Authors: Spencer Kettenring
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are grateful for that, Michael,” Lwazi said.
    “As long as we are speaking of irradiated wastelands, what has been done about the Middle East?” inquired Uther.
    Michael chuckled. “That’s a question better asked of yourself as most of it falls under your dominion. I’m sure we’ll get to that eventually though. However, our resources are better spent in other areas. Especially since Asia Minor has only been useful for its fossil fuels, and we have long been above the need for those.”
    “Still, I would like to not be bound by what foodstuffs my colonies can produce, so if you would make this technology of yours available, I would be most appreciative.”
    “This technology is something I gladly make available to all who would use it well. It seems to me that creating arable land, and using it, is worthy of that,” Michael said gently.
    “Then it is settled!” The Emperor exclaimed, startling his peers to full awareness. “Now, have your men had any more luck than mine at finding the pirates who have been raiding the outer colonies?”
    “We think that they’re holed up somewhere in the inner asteroid belt. At least, the main group is. From what we’ve been able-“
    “There are more than one group of Pirates?” Uther interrupted, disbelievingly.
    “As I was saying, we’ve been able to find evidence of separate groups operating out of the Kuiper belt, as well as spaces between the planets. History has shown that there is never just one group of pirates. What I have to wonder is how such individuals gain their weaponry.”
    “I believe that the black market has been a plague on civilization for almost as long as pirates, historically.” The Emperor chimed in helpfully. “Now, I’m sure we have much more to speak of, however, I grow weary. Are there any objections to continuing our discussions tomorrow?”
    “None from me, I would actually appreciate the opportunity to retrieve some more up to date information for the talks,” Michael replied. Lwazi, Roberts, and the unusually quiet CEO Romo signaled their consent. Uther merely nodded his agreement with the sentiments.
    By some unfortunate miracle, Kiyoshi had managed to cut through his heavy shield. Having tossed the now useless piece of metal and wood aside, Arkadios had drawn his second short sword.
    Both warriors were now bleeding from multiple wounds. Kiyoshi’s armor had been splintered in more than one place, while Arkadios’ breastplate now possessed many new dents, scrapes, and runnels.
    Arkadios threw himself into a whirlwind attack, his blades coming from high and low, and no pattern to the blows. Kiyoshi was barely able to deflect each attack, as each pushed him back a step. After a few seconds, the Spartan came out of his spin, slightly lightheaded and dizzy. Kiyoshi flashed a riposte, angling in from the bottom edge of Arkadios’ guard.
    Arkadios caught the sword on his cross guard, and heaved a strong kick into the Samurai’s belly. The stricken warrior stumbled, and fell onto his back. Trying to take advantage of this, the Spartan leapt forward. Kiyoshi turned his head from the blow, and struck back with his Katana. The sleek, curved blade took Arkadios in his right bicep, ripping apart some of the muscle.
    The pain caused Arkadios to drop the sword held by that arm, and granted the Samurai a momentary reprieve. Securing his grip on the remaining blade, Arkadios threw himself into his attack. Kicking, punching, stabbing; it was all Kiyoshi could do to keep his feet under him during the assault. Finally, their blades met again, the Wakizashi flew from Kiyoshi’s grip, the Katana slipped down to cut into the Spartan’s arm. Arkadios’ blade finally pushed forward…
    Telamon activated the electronic scrambler in his gauntlet, keeping all would be listeners at bay. He was again in the garden by their apartments. “You didn’t tell them that we’ve lost communications with one of the colony clusters by

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