The Golden Stranger

The Golden Stranger by Karen Wood Page B

Book: The Golden Stranger by Karen Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Wood
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the front boundary of the property, begrudging the time it took to get anywhere without a horse to ride. She headed towards town, her thoughts weaving in crazy, confusing patterns.
    As the track connected with Coachwood Road, the main way into town, she stepped out to cross and was forced back by the rushing wind of a passing car. It honked loudly.
    The small red car sped away, leaving a trail of exhaust smoke behind it. As Shara stood on the side of the road, regaining her balance, the sound of a cantering horse clattered behind her.
    Her bestie pulled Dodger back to a trot and clip-clopped along the road towards her. ‘What happened, Sharsy? No one will tell me anything. Mum and Dad won’t let me talk to Luke. They’re so angry at him for driving us down there. They reckon I can’t talk to him for six whole weeks. They even took my phone off me so he can’t ring!’
    â€˜He told me.’
    â€˜When?’ Jess reined her horse to a stop. ‘Did you see him? What did he say?’
    â€˜He’s pretty upset.’ Shara fished in her top pocket. ‘He wanted me to give you this.’
    She watched the shock grow on her friend’s face as she took the moonstone Shara held out.
    â€˜It’s a promise that he’ll see me again,’ said Jess. She stared at Shara, bewildered. ‘Where is he going ?’
    â€˜I don’t know. He just said he’d see you in six weeks,’ said Shara gently. This was so messed up. Everyone’s lives were being hammered. ‘I’m so sorry.’
    â€˜He didn’t have to leave town!’ Anger grew in Jess’s voice. ‘My God, I can’t believe my parents have driven him out of town!’
    â€˜It was his choice, Jess. He probably knew you’d still come and find him and get yourself into even more trouble.’
    Jess slipped off Dodger and stood with her face hidden in the flaps of the saddle. She thumped the fender with a frustrated fist.
    Shara put a hand on her shoulder and Jess looked sideways at her. Her focus changed abruptly. ‘Why are you on foot?’
    Shara didn’t answer.
    Jess’s jaw dropped. ‘Your parents spewed too, didn’t they? Oh, Sharsy, they didn’t . . . ’
    â€˜Dad put Rocko on the float,’ Shara said in a calm, controlled voice. ‘He took him away.’ She turned and began walking again. If she kept walking, she had to keep breathing. And if she could just keep breathing, in and out, she could keep the tears back.
    Jess followed, leading Dodger behind her. ‘For how long?’
    Shara shrugged, bit her lip and kept walking.
    â€˜What? For good?’ Jess swore in disbelief. ‘They can’t do that, he’s your horse! You paid for him with your own money!’
    â€˜Oh, yes they can.’ Shara looked ahead along the winding roadside track, putting one foot in front of the other, and changed the subject. ‘Anyway, I’m more worried about Corey right now.’
    â€˜Did you go and see him? Is he okay?’
    â€˜No. Dad won’t let me. But Tom’s dad says he has concussion.’ And that was when the tears burst. Shara stopped walking and let it all pour out. ‘Corey is in real trouble and I’ve lost Rocko. You can’t see Luke. All over one horse. It’s all gone too far, Jess.’
    Jess led her away from the road and found a large rock for them both to sit on. ‘I should never have talked you into going to Brisbane. It was my stupid idea, but I didn’t think . . . I didn’t realise how nasty the Connemans are.’
    â€˜They’re saying we tried to steal the mare,’ said Shara. ‘They’re saying she kicked Corey in the head. The whole thing is completely screwed up!’
    â€˜You’re not wrong.’ Jess sat quietly for a while. ‘This all started out as a protest against wild horse races. It

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