The Gods' Gambit

The Gods' Gambit by David Lee Marriner Page B

Book: The Gods' Gambit by David Lee Marriner Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Lee Marriner
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importance that we sever his bloodline. If
there is a bloodline,” the perfecty said thoughtfully.
    “Yes, that’s our number one strategy,” replied the man.
“Although we have little time, the High Gathering has given us plenty of
resources so that we can tighten in around him. Isolating him as much as
possible is our priority.”
    “His personal life has to be scrutinized,” said the
perfecty. “That will help us to prepare the strike.”
    “I have already assigned two investigation teams. Some of
the information you need to start is in the file I’ve given you … Here is the
    The perfecty heard a thud; a black suitcase had been placed
next to him.
    “In this case is three million pounds for expenses. If you
need more money just ask. There are no financial limits on this hunt,” the man

    London, UK
    Elizabeth felt down despite her attempts to marginalize her
negative thoughts. She felt discontent because of the increase in James’ work
with the police. Her mood had deteriorated even more when she saw his
travelling companion at the airport. That unexpected effusion of jealousy made
her angry at herself, but that didn’t make the unpleasant feeling go away.
    “Dear, no need to rush. My partner will be in the shop. It’s
not a problem if I’m late,” said Malee.
    Elizabeth glanced down at the speedometer. It read
eighty-five miles per hour. She eased the pressure on the gas pedal. “I got
carried away thinking,” she said.
    Malee had begun to feel the prolonged silence like a burden.
Since they had seen James off at the airport about forty minutes ago, she and
Elizabeth had exchanged few words. “Not pleasant thoughts, as I can see,” she
    “Sorry. I’m not in good shape right now.”
    “Why don’t you let go. James will be back before you know
    “There are two weeks left until our wedding day. When he’s
back we’ll have to rush all those little things.”
    “I’m at your disposal. Just say what you want me to do.”
    “That’s kind of you. You know that it’s not only about doing
things. I just want him close now.”
    “I understand completely.”
    Malee began talking about the wedding preparations, the
guests and the honeymoon trip to Jamaica. That cheered Elizabeth up. They spent
the rest of the journey discussing and planning the wedding.
    Elizabeth stopped the car in the little car park in front of
the Eastern Herbs and Spices shop in London’s Chiswick district. Malee rented
an office in the shop. She worked there as a healer practising ancient Tibetan
medicine, the knowledge of which she had acquired from her mother, Pema.
    “What would I do without you,” Elizabeth said, with warmth
in her voice as she dropped Malee off at the shop.
    Malee smiled, but almost immediately her expression became
serious. “Look, Elizabeth, I want you to promise me something. Be careful when
you meet strangers, all right?” She sounded worried.
    Elizabeth looked at her in surprise. “Honey, I’m a big

    The Old Engine House, somewhere in the UK
    Colin, whose code name was East, assembled his rifle,
attached a telescopic lens and a silencer, then slid in the cartridge clip and
pulled back the bolt.
    “Nine seconds. Not bad,” said Roger, who had been timing
    “I want to check its precision,” Colin said, lifting the
butt of the gun to his shoulder.
    “You could use the barn over there to do that. You could
easily put some sandbags and a target in there and give it a try,” said the
perfecty, who had just entered the room. “From now on consider this as our main
base. In fact, how are you guys finding it?”
    “It’s fine. It’s secluded enough. The barn is big so we can
keep our cars hidden,” said Roger.
    “I agree, it’s a good base,” Colin affirmed.
    “This place is an industrial estate ...”
    The perfecty couldn’t continue because Roger quickly

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