The Go-Between (The Nilaruna Cycles Book 1)

The Go-Between (The Nilaruna Cycles Book 1) by Andrea Ring Page A

Book: The Go-Between (The Nilaruna Cycles Book 1) by Andrea Ring Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Ring
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that you are caught in the middle.
    “So here is what I propose:
return to Maja now, this very day. Discuss it with him. Search your heart. I
will stay in the village inn for three more days. If you decide to return and
help me, I will be here. If you do not return, I will choose another bride.
Simple as that.”
    I stand and give Nilaruna Nandal
a low bow. “My lady, it has been an honor to meet you. I am proud to call you
one of Jatani’s citizens.” I look over at Faaris and Manoj, who are giving us
sidelong glances. “Let us back to the inn.”
    And we make a swift departure.

    I watch the prince go. I put my veil back on without thinking about
    I make my way back to the house
and to the front door. I don’t open it. I just listen hard.
    “You had her and you caved,”
Manoj says. “She agreed to marry you and you ruined it! Do you actually want to
    I hear the creak of a saddle as
someone settles himself on his horse.
    “You heard the entire
    “We didn’t mean to, but we did,”
Faaris says. “Manoj is right. You botched that, badly.”
    Prince Kai growls softly. “If you
heard the conversation, then you know why I did it. I’m asking her to give up
her love and her life!”
    “For the kingdom,” Manoj says.
“There is no greater honor. Songs will be sung about her, tales told, baby
girls will be named Nilaruna in her honor. And she’s an untouchable, Kai. To
marry a prince…it’s like she won a cosmic pot of gold. She should consider
herself lucky!”
    “Manoj,” Faaris says, “if you’re
going to argue this point, you should do it with some sensitivity. You’re making
the case that being an untouchable means you have no worth as a human being.”
    “That is the definition of an
untouchable,” Manoj says. “And before you roast me, I’m speaking from the
cultural prospective. Sensitivity has no place in this discussion. The kingdom
is in danger, and we must do whatever it takes to save it.”
    “What if Shiva had named your
sister for this task instead of Nilaruna?” Faaris asks.
    “But he didn’t,” Manoj says. “I
will not discuss what-ifs.”
    “Stop the infernal bickering!”
Prince Kai says. “Get on your horses. We need to leave now.”
    “Why?” Manoj says. “Thanks to
you, we have nothing to do but kill time for three days.”
    “Just hurry up,” the prince says.
“I feel like we’re being watched.”
    “Royalty is always watched.”
    I hear the horses clip-clop as
they begin to leave. When I think they’re out of sight, I open the front door.
    Prince Kai is staring down at me
from his perch on his horse.
    “Were you listening to our
conversation?” he asks.
    I gulp. Thank the gods I can hide
behind my veil.
    “Of course not. You were loud.
Don’t you realize people can hear you through a door?”
    He just continues to frown at me.
    “You are a good man, Prince Kai,”
I say with a bow. “Maybe I have won a pot of gold.”
    “Unfortunately, no one is winning
here,” he says. “I’m going to spend the next three days visiting with High
Priest Sanji and snooping around. If you do return and cannot find me at the
inn, leave me a message and I will seek you here.”
    I nod.
    “And I’d like to get a look at
the pass. Can you alert Maja that we will be in his territory?”
    “Of course. Are you headed there
    “No. I need to summon a god and
start negotiating.”
    I smile, though he cannot see it.
“You’re betting on me.”
    “Do not be flattered,” he says.
“We both know my options are limited.”
    “I will keep that in mind,” I
say, “because, as I said, I do not wish for your death. And this time, I
actually mean it.”
    Prince Kai laughs, and with a
small wave, turns his horse around and heads off.

    I find the nesting caves of the blue dragons and land softly a half a
league away. They know me, but they do not like anyone or anything too close to
their home. Especially with two

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