The Glowing Knight

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Book: The Glowing Knight by Jodi Meadows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jodi Meadows
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chin and forced confidence into my voice. “I just saw Professor Knight and I’m going to speak with him. As you can imagine, I’m relieved that he’s recovered enough to attend the tournament today.”
    Father’s eyes narrowed, like if he squinted just right, he could see what I was really up to. “If that’s so, he’ll be recovered enough to attend your lessons tomorrow. Stay here with Lady Meredith. It would be rude to leave her.”
    â€œOh, I don’t mind if he wants to speak with his professor.” Lady Meredith smiled warmly at me, but stopped when she noticed Father’s scowl.
    Mother and Aunt Kathleen bent their heads toward the Corcorans’, as though none of them were curious about the outcome of this battle.
    I glanced where I’d seen Professor Knight, itching to run away. But if I disobeyed Father now I’d be in more trouble later. Anyway, he was right. I’d be able to talk to Professor Knight tomorrow.
    Trying to suppress a frustrated glower, I returned to my seat next to Lady Meredith.
    â€œIs something wrong?” Her voice was low so our parents wouldn’t hear.
    â€œOf course not.” I smiled, but as the crowd settled again and the next match was announced, I finally had a clear view ofProfessor Knight. And the man next to him.
    Lord Hensley.
    They sat unusually close, Professor Knight nodding at whatever Lord Hensley was saying. Their voices were lost under the hum of so many people, but the two looked . . . not quite friendly, but not as antagonistic as I’d imagined, considering last week.
    I leaned forward, not that I could hear anything. When Knight looked directly at Hensley, he wore a polite smile. “I’ll do it.” At least, that was what it looked like he’d said.
    Hensley’s face was harder to see, so I couldn’t catch his response.
    â€œMidnight,” Knight said, with the look of someone repeating something, or confirming.
    As a new set of fighters moved onto the field below, Hensley and Knight pulled away from each other. When Hensley stood, he pressed his hand against Knight’s shoulder.
    Knight startled and went still. Hensley stared down for a long moment, and then, apparently satisfied, picked his way across the row, toward the aisle, and moved out of my line of sight.
    â€œThat looked uncomfortable,” Lady Meredith said, just loud enough for me to hear. When I looked at her, she lifted an eyebrow. “Those two are why you’re frowning, right? Your professor and Lord Hensley?”
    She was sharp. And I needed to work on my mask.
    â€œI’m sure it was nothing.” I forced my frown away. “I believe our families are having dinner together tonight. I hope you memorized all of James’s moves, because he’ll want to know what you think about every one of them.”
    â€œOh indeed.” Lady Meredith sat back and smiled. “I paid careful attention.”
    As the next match began, I turned my eyes to Knight once more. He was alone, none of those surrounding him bothering to engage him in conversation. Everyone was more interested in the fighting.
    What had they been discussing? Knight had promised to do something. Father claimed Hensley was working for him. Could it all be related?
    But what about the burn? The suspicious exit?
    I had no doubts there was a flasher who could burn things—and I was pretty sure, no, certain , that was Hensley—but why burn Knight? Or the pre-wraith gallery in Rayner Manor?
    I didn’t even know if Knight’s burn and the Rayner Manor fire were connected.
    But I meant to find out.

    THE TRIALS LASTED another five hours, with the final matches scheduled for the following day. It was perfect timing, really. A sudden storm blew off the western mountains and sent all the nobles scurrying back to their homes.
    After changing into a suit that wasn’t soaked with rain and sweat, I headed to the private

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