The Glowing Knight

The Glowing Knight by Jodi Meadows Page A

Book: The Glowing Knight by Jodi Meadows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jodi Meadows
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while Professor Knight was recovering.
    â€œThat would be nice. Thank you.”
    We were silent as James began another attack, feinting and cutting, driving Matson back. Their swords flashed in the noon sunlight.
    â€œMatson is good, too,” I said, as he lunged to defend. “At this stage in the trials, they’re all good. But he’s weaker on his left side and knows it. Watch how he guards it more.”
    â€œAh, yes. And that leaves his right side exposed.”
    â€œExactly.” Just then, James struck low on Matson’s right leg. The dulled blade—tournament regulations—hit with an audible thwack on his armor, and the audience roared, many thinking the match was done. But it wasn’t a killing blow, so the two continued around each other, with points in James’s favor.
    â€œThis is so frustrating!” Lady Meredith beat her tiny fan harder, just pushing the hot air around the stuffy box. “How long can this possibly go on?”
    â€œUntil one is ‘dead’ or someone reaches ten points. Killing blows are ten points.” I added James’s in my head. “He has seven already: four for the strike against Matson’s leg, and three for evading that blow earlier.”
    â€œSaints. I just want Cadet Rayner to win!”
    I was inclined to agree, but with my parents sitting directly behind me, I didn’t want to risk them overhearing how badly I needed James’s victory. After the debacle at my birthday party last week, it was likely I’d be stuck with the current troop of guards for the rest of my life, but if I could also have James—that would be better. Then I’d always have a friend.
    Sweat trickled down the back of my neck as I watched James slash and parry and wait for Matson to leave an opening. The crowd grew quiet, everyone focused on the pair in the ring.
    James struck, likely finishing the battle—but brown-and-gray-dashed hair, a professor’s coat, the faint “Sorry, excuse me” caught my attention away. Professor Knight? Last I’d heard, he’dbeen on bed rest, with a royal physician attending him every day.
    Lady Meredith surged to her feet along with everyone else, clapping and shouting with enthusiasm I hadn’t expected from her.
    I was on my feet, too, but scanning the crowd for Professor Knight. That had been him, I was sure of it. But now he was lost in the press of people cheering for James, who stood in the center of the ring and sheathed his sword. His face was bright with exertion and the attention of hundreds of eyes, but he bowed toward my family’s box and grinned wide enough that no one would ever know he’d been nervous.
    â€œThe match goes to James Rayner!” The announcer’s voice boomed from the ground, and the applause roared louder. Eric Matson stood off to the side, clapping too, though a frown pulled at the corners of his mouth. Anyone would be upset to lose, but surely he hadn’t expected to win against James; James was the best.
    Even as my chest swelled with pride for my cousin, my eyes fell back to the place I’d seen Professor Knight. I’d been dying to talk to him about what happened during my birthday party, but of course I hadn’t been permitted to visit him. Father was afraid I’d interrogate him and try to blame Hensley for the burn again.
    But now he was out in public. Surely no one would disagree if I wanted to see how my favorite professor was feeling a mere week after a terrible attack.
    â€œExcuse me,” I said to Lady Meredith, and pushed myself out of my chair.
    â€œTobiah?” Father’s warning tone stilled me. “Going somewhere?”
    I paused halfway to the door, not quite managing the look of innocent surprise I wanted. “Yes?”
    Mother and Aunt Kathleen were looking on, as well as Lord and Lady Corcoran.
    â€œWhere are you going?” Father’s gaze didn’t leave mine.
    I lifted my

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