The Girls Club

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Book: The Girls Club by Jackie Coupe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Coupe
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Sarah rummaged in her desk drawers, Karen noticed with some amusement what looked like a vampire mask appear and then disappear again.
    “Ah, here” she tossed her a chauffeurs hat. 
    Karen grinned.  She couldn’t help it.
    “I need to show up in a limo driven by a hot bitch. Want to fill that position?”
“Sure thing boss” she popped the hat on her head.  She was going to get to see number 10. 
    This might be a test you know.
    Could be.  All she’d done lately is be tested.  This was a test of her discretion.  She could drive a car. 
    Sarah kissed her all the way down in the lift.  Karen felt such a fiery mix of emotions.  There was something under the surface with this woman that she was sure she didn’t like, but she had a body to die for and a smile, it spoke of coming home.
    Sarah went into ‘Office Relations’ and across to the bar manager, he gave her some keys and a black jacket.
    Karen black Armani’s had been just the ticket, as it turned out they matched the drivers jacket perfectly.
    “Here” Sarah placed some reflectorised shades on Karen’s face.  She had a weird feeling then of being rather masculine. 
    Opening the back door of the limo she wondered what in blue fuck was going to happen if she couldn’t drive this boat.  It wasn’t the biggest she’d seen but it was the biggest she’d ever driven.
    What’s that beach boys song go like, Wipeout!  You could take out half a dozen pedestrians at once with this thing.
    A window purred down behind her, “Take it nice and slow, when you’re in a limo you want everyone to notice you.”
    Just as well really.  Going quickly wasn’t going to be possible. 
    Sarah guided her to a hotel and she hopped out.  Sarah’s date was a tall woman.  She recognised her at once and wasn’t the least bit surprised.  She opened the back door for her and let her in.  Sarah started to chatter with her before the door was even closed. 
    The route was simple.  They were going to drive a large circle.  It would take just short of two hours, they’d never be going much more than 20 miles an hour.  Then they would drop the lady back at her hotel.  Sex on the move.  Karen wondered what was happening back home and wondered why she’d not thought of it sooner. 
    Behind the tinted glass that separated the back from the front a frenzy of female passion was ensuing.  Sarah took the initiative and ravaged the number 10.  Getting it on with a member of State was going to bode well for her shot at District Attorney one day.  Fuck Scientology for career progression.  This is where a much more powerful axis spun on a different angle.
    Karen tried her best not to think of Sarah naked in the back of the limo on her knees in front of the number 10.  A worm of jealousy that was quickly dispelled by her near surety that Sarah knew Demi was actually dead and that she had played some part in it.
    She cruised the streets.  Taking it slow, when the ladies in the back started getting vocal she turned the radio on and rolled her side window down to let some night air in.
    She couldn’t wait to get home.  She wanted a long hot shower.  Her mobile buzzed in her pocket telling her she had a text.  It would have to keep until she got home.
    It was the longest couple of hours she had ever had to live.  When she hopped out onto the side walk to go and open the door for the lady she felt absurdly grateful it was over.  It kinda reminded her of the times she had awoken as a child to hear her parents groans from the next room.  Loud and sickening.  When the quiet came it always felt like some horrible thing had been bypassed.  Peaceful almost.
    The lady left the car without a hair out of place.  Sarah also looked as if she butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.  Karen got back behind the wheel and the dividing glass rolled down once more.
    “You were great. That was the best ride I’ve ever had.”
    “Thanks boss. Where to?”  And she gave her the

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