The Gift of My Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Book 9)

The Gift of My Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Book 9) by Caryn Moya Block

Book: The Gift of My Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Book 9) by Caryn Moya Block Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caryn Moya Block
have hurt like hell if he stepped on it, not to mention breaking Nuvuk’s heart if it got ruined. “He needs to stop leaving it out where it can get broken.”
    “I’m not sure how it ended up on the stairs. I thought he took it to bed with him.” Margot laid her head down, nuzzling his shoulder.
    Mathis carried her into the bathroom and lowered her to the toilet seat. “Get your clothes off. We’ll take a shower and go to bed.” He started the water and then began to strip.
    Margot slumped over, her arm leaning on the counter next to the sink. “I’m really tired. Can’t we go straight to bed?”
    “You’ll feel better once you’re clean. Come here, baby.” Mathis began removing her clothes. Then he picked her up and stepped under the hot water. Margot tilted her head back under the spray letting the water wash through her hair. “Hmm, that does feel nice.”
    Mathis lowered her feet to the floor and reached for the shampoo. Margot leaned against him, while he massaged the soap into her hair. He worked his fingers through her tresses, to her scalp and neck. She moaned. “God, you’ve got great hands.”
    He smiled and tipped her head back to rinse the soap away. After adding conditioner to her hair, he grabbed the bar of soap and began to wash her. Margot had taken to being a mom to six kids a whole lot easier than he expected. Once she gained a little confidence, she seemed to have a sense about what the children needed and when. Still, she worked way too hard. He needed to hire help for her.
    Running the soap over her chest, he enjoyed the way her nipples pebbled and her breath shortened. He didn’t push the level of desire any higher. It was enough to know she responded so willingly to his touch. She was tired and needed rest. He finished soaping her and then pushed her under the water. “Rinse off, baby. Give me a minute to finish.”
    Mathis hurriedly washed and then turned off the water. Stepping out, he reached for the towel and enveloped Margot in its warmth. He rubbed her skin until it was rosy and then worked on getting all the excess water from her hair. She picked up a comb when he went to dry himself. She watched him, her eyes appreciative. “None of that,” Mathis growled. “You’re going to bed to sleep.”
    She yawned and pulled a night gown over her head. “I should argue with you since you’re being so bossy, but I’m too tired right now.”
    Mathis slipped on a robe and led Margot to the bed. He pulled down the covers and waited to tuck her in. “Sleep well, mon amour .” Mathis kissed her gently.
    “You’re not coming to bed?” Margot asked her tone alarmed.
    “I need to check in with Ujarak and then I’ll be right up. Go to sleep, baby. I’ll be back in a moment.”
    She nodded and closed her eyes. Mathis waited until her breathing slowed before he moved away. He walked down the hall and checked on the children, needing to see them asleep in their beds. The pups wormed their way into his heart and he wanted their happiness. He pulled up blankets to cover little shoulders, picked up toys, so no one would trip, and kissed little faces relaxed in sleep. He touched their minds to make sure no nightmares threatened and they were content, then he returned to the master bedroom.
    He opened the closet to find six monitors inside, all showing a different place on the property. It was a good thing they were only staying here a few months. Margot would throw a fit if she didn’t have a place to hang her clothes. He closed the doors again, so the glow wouldn’t wake his mate and headed to the basement.
    He walked down the stairs and into the small room built on the outside wall. Ujarak lay under the table attaching wires to the bank of monitors. He climbed out and hit the keyboard. The monitors came to life showing similar scenes around the property.
    “Hey, big brother. About time you got home. Your mate looked a little ragged.”
    “Why weren’t you upstairs helping her?”

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