The Geek Job
where the hell her bag with her change of clothing had gone. Her shower had refreshed her, but without clean underwear, she felt scummy.

    She jammed her feet into her boots and grabbed her jacket. Then she retrieved her revolver from under the pillow and slid it in the special holster inside her jacket. She also patted her pants and coat sleeves to check that her silver blades were present. It never paid to go to work unprepared.
    She returned to the main living area to find Anthony standing by the large floor to ceiling window. She cursed under her breath.
    ―Do you have a death wish?‖ she barked.
    He turned with a puzzled frown.
    ―The window? Like, hello, would you like to paint a larger target on yourself for any snipers that might be outdoors?‖
    He gaped at her for a moment, then her geek found the nerve to laugh.
    ―This isn‘t funny, Anthony,‖ she growled.
    He snorted. ―Yes, it is. I mean, seriously, snipers? First off, Mr. Thibodeaux has excellent security, and second, these windows are bullet proof. Apparently, you aren‘t the only paranoid one around here.

    ―Laugh all you want, my giant geek, but bullet proof glass doesn‘t stop everything.‖ That shut him up and she slapped her hand on the console to call the elevator.
    ―You need to be put into the system for it to work…‖ He trailed off as the light turned green and the door opened.
    Lexie bared her teeth in a smile that made him flinch. ―You might be good at what you do, but I‘m wicked at what I specialize in. Now get your ass in this elevator.‖ She hated scaring him, but he needed to understand she was in charge; that, and she couldn‘t keep allowing him to tempt her. Shyness was one thing—she found it cute.
    But fear? Fear brought out the monster in her.
    They travelled down in silence, and when Anthony entered his lab, she followed him. When he darted a look at her, she again bared the smile that freaked him out. ―Don‘t mind me. I‘ve decided, given your inability to follow common sense where you safety is concerned, I‘d better stick close by.‖
    He grunted in reply and then proceeded to ignore her as he flicked on monitors and read the screen results.
    ―Impossible,‖ he mumbled.

    Curious, Lexie wandered over to see what had his briefs in a knot. ―What‘s up?‖
    ―The results of your DNA test.‖
    Lexie froze. She‘d heard mention of her DNA the day before, but ignored it because she‘d figured she misunderstood. ―Where did you get my DNA?‖
    Anthony flashed her a brief look she didn‘t understand before concentrating on the screen again. ―I came home covered in it when you got shot.‖
    ―And, what? You just decided to use it?‖
    Panic fluttered in her breast. The decision to tell him or not about her alter ego was no longer a choice. Her secret was about to see the light of day because of bloody science.
    He shrugged. ―I thought you were dead.
    It was my way of preserving a part of you.
    Anyway, the how and why I got it aren‘t the interesting parts. What I‘d like to figure out is why your DNA is twined with that of a wolf‘s?‖
    ―A wolf‘s?‖ Lexie‘s laughter sounded brittle even to her. ―That‘s crazy.‖

    ―Exactly, and yet…there‘s no denying it.
    Somehow my samples got contaminated with wolf genes and, even stranger, they merged with yours in a most fascinating double helix.‖
    ―Wow, that is weird.‖ Lexie walked away lest her relief at his obliviousness become too obvious.
    ―It‘s weird alright, but at the same time, it gave me a fantastic idea on how to deal with Mr.
    Thibodeaux‘s condition.‖
    And with those words, her geek went to work, bustling from work station to machine, to computer then back. Lexie perched on a stool and kept one eye on him as she used her BlackBerry to check on emails and other items that required her attention. She also tapped back into the lab‘s security network, checking for anomalies and weaknesses in the system. During her middle

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