The Geek Job
said the words as if disappointed, and truthfully, Anthony was, too. He‘d quite enjoyed the way she‘d nibbled him in the past. But as his mind reminded him, she needed to get paid to fuck the geek.
    Holding onto his anger—and hurt—he fell asleep.

    * * * *
    Lexie woke to find herself plastered to Anthony with an arm and a leg thrown over him.
    She immediately scooted away, appalled at her lack of control. She didn‘t allow the excuse of slumber to placate her. She couldn‘t allow herself to get involved with him, especially not this close to the full moon. Her wolf roiled restlessly in her mind and her pussy throbbed, the pair of them arguing against her plan of action, or in this case, inaction.
    Too bad. Anthony is a human and deserves better than me. She used the bathroom while he slept, leaving the bathroom door open so she could hear if anything untoward happened. She quickly peed, showered and brushed her teeth with a spare toothbrush she found in the vanity.
    When she emerged, the bed lay empty with her geek nowhere in sight. Dressed only in her tank top and panties having forgotten her pants by the bed, she dashed out into the main apartment, sniffing the air and locating him along with coffee.
    She stalked into the kitchen, bristling.
    ―Don‘t you ever sneak off on me again,‖
    she growled, chastising herself for taking too long in the bathroom.
    Anthony, already dressed for the day in chino‘s, a white shirt and a fresh lab coat, arched a brow as he held out a mug of coffee. ―Good morning to you, too. Are you always this grumpy in the morning?‖ As soon as he said it, she could see him recall their previous mornings together where they‘d woken in a more intimate fashion wearing smiles of pleasure.
    She couldn‘t resist teasing. Why not, she already knew she was going to hell when she died.

    ―I prefer your previous method of wake up involving hot sausage.‖
    He flushed and he turned around to busy himself, but not before she caught his pants tenting. I’m playing with fire. Good thing I heal quickly.
    She sat down and watched him, unable to stop herself. It took him a few minutes, but eventually he turned around again holding two plates and his composure. He slid a plate in front of her before sitting down.
    She grimaced at the scrambled eggs and microwaved bacon. ―Are you trying to kill me?‖
    Anthony, seated across from her, regarded his own plate with a frown. ―My cooking skills don‘t extend to the kitchen, but ask me to whip something up in the lab and I‘m your man.‖
    ―Oh, I‘d say the lab isn‘t the only place you can cook.‖ Lexie wanted to slap herself as once again she flirted with him, but it wasn‘t entirely her fault. She got a kick out of seeing him flustered, and it didn‘t hurt her pride either to know that despite what she‘d done, he still couldn‘t help desiring her.
    Bad wolf. Stop baiting the human. Lexie couldn‘t wait until the full moon came and went so she could put her wolf to sleep. This close to the forced change, her wolf sat too close to the surface, just waiting for a chance to take over. Not happening, my inner bitch, so settle your furry ass down.
    Anthony is off limits.
    Lexie choked down the breakfast using her coffee to wash it down. Thank god, she‘d requested red meat for lunch and dinner. She‘d starve if she had to rely on Anthony for sustenance, well, other than the wiener type.
    Appalled that she couldn‘t keep her mind out of the gutter, she stood and didn‘t remember her lack of pants until she noticed Anthony‘s gaze riveted on her crotch, and of course, said crotch immediately got wet.
    ―I‘d better finish getting dressed,‖ she mumbled turning to leave. As she walked back to the bedroom her keen hearing caught the sound of him groaning and a thump as if he‘d banged his head on the table. She couldn‘t help the smile that tilted her lips.
    She slipped her pants back on, making a mental note to herself to find out

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