The Gamal

The Gamal by Ciarán Collins Page B

Book: The Gamal by Ciarán Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ciarán Collins
Tags: General Fiction
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yeah. Well, my father anyhow. Her father and my father went to school together and they worked together in the precast yard once like. Started on the same day.
    —Did you ever feel that it might have been nice for them if you and Sinéad had been a couple?
    —No, like. It didn’t come up like. Cos she was always with James. As far back as anyone can remember.
    —Isn’t it true that your father used to tell you that Sinéad was the girl for you?
    —Who told you that?
    —Answer the question please, Denis.
    —He might have said it like, and I growing up like, just like half messing like.
    They called Dinky Dinky cos he’s supposed to have a small langer like your baby finger. They started calling him Dinky when he got the trials for the divisional side. They were having a joke calling some fella who was hung like a donkey Truncheon when one of the lads points at poor Dinky and calls him Dinky. The name stuck like a fly to cowshit.
    By the way for anyone who’s not from Ireland a langer is a willy. A penis. But it can mean dickhead or idiot or fool or wanker or a generally disliked fella. Can mean drunk too. But always a fella.
    —Ya fucking langer.
    —What a langer.
    —You’re some langer.
    —What kind of a langer are you?
    —Drank fourteen pints last night, I was fucking langers.
    —You’re a fucking useless langer.
    —You may as well be at home playing with your langer.
    —You’re an awful langer.
    —The stupid langer forgot his ticket.
    —Bit of a fucking langer, you are, aren’t ya?
    —You’re only a langer, you.
    N. a slender, leaf-eating monkey of Southeast Asia with a long tail, bushy eyebrows, and a chin tuft. Genus: Presbytis . leaf monkey [Early 19th C. Via Hindi langûr from Sanscrit langula ‘having a tail’.]
    Long ago when the Irish were poor as fuck they went off to fight the wars for England for a few quid. But one of them wars was in India and they had a type of monkey called the langur so when the war was over the lads who lived came back to Cork calling each other langers. Nowadays if you’re out of favour in Cork you’re a langer. Anyhow sorry I went off track there. Yeah so James would have been there at the divisional trials as well. James and Dinky were only young lads of seventeen. The other lads were all in their twenties. James was the only one in Ballyronan that never called Dinky Dinky.
    Adj. small and compact; small and compact or neat ( informal ). N. S African ; beverages; a small bottle of wine; usually containing 250ml ( informal ) [Late 18th C. Formed from Scots dialect dink ‘finely dressed, trim’, of unknown origin. The original sense was ‘neat, dainty’.]
    When he was in primary school Dinky’s head was always looking around. Not out of interest in people but out of fear of them. Dinky thought that if people didn’t like him they’d kill him. He was canvassing always for people to be liking him. Balancing things up always.
    Snoozie = a stupid cunt. Male human. Three years older. Snoozie. Snoozie. Snoozie. Snoozie. Snoozie. Snoozie. Snoozie. Snoozie. Snoozie. Snoozie.
    This is Snoozie’s eyes.

    Snoozie’s Evidence
    —Do you know if Sinéad ever cheated on James?
    —She did, yes. With the Rascal.
    —OK. Was this common knowledge?
    —Yes. Everyone knew it.
    —And when James took her back, so to speak, when they rekindled their relationship, was she loyal to him then?
    —No. She went with the Rascal again. Went off in his car with him. Used to be at it the whole time. He’d collect her when she’d finish work in the pub. Roundy’s. Fellas would joke about his car being outside.
    —I see. Are you sure of this? How can you be certain?
    —The Rascal said it.
    —And you believe him?
    —Well, he had an Afghan scarf around his neck that he said Sinéad gave to him as a present. James had given it to her way back along as a present. That’s how James found out. He asked him where he got the scarf and

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