a shoulder as if it were nothing.
“Don’t you think it a little convenient that he had that book ready, and a set of notes?”
“He’d just finished his assignment, so he didn’t need them any more,” Raven explained. She didn’t know what Ava was getting at.
“I didn’t see any other assignments on the table, just papers with a bunch of charts and numbers on them.”
Ava turned in her seat to look at Raven.
“He could’ve put his assignment away.” Raven looked down, her cheeks warming.
“And still had the book and notes? Come on Ray, you’ve got to admit…that looks like a setup.”
She didn’t want to admit it, but Raven thought that it did indeed look as though Beck already had the book and notes prepared for her. But, how would he have known she would be going there that day? How would he have known she needed to finish up her own assignment?
“I don’t know, Ay. I don’t understand him most of the time so I’m not going to give myself a headache in trying to figure out why he’s nice sometimes and a foul mouthed sleaze-ball the next.”
“Uh huh,” was all Ava replied. Her tone indicated she was contemplating his motives.
Raven didn’t look up. She knew her friend would be assessing her reaction. In truth, Raven was thinking the same thing.
“Starving!” Ava called out suddenly, and Raven jumped.
“Ay, you scared me half to death!” she squealed.
“Sorry Ray, but my stomach has been growling for the past hour, and I need to fill it.”
Immediately, Raven thought of an innuendo that could go with Ava’s statement.
‘I’ve got something you can fill it with.’
Beck was not only under her skin, but he was invading her own thoughts.
“You’re blushing, what’s the matter?” Ava looked concerned with her eyebrows pinched together.
“Nothing. I just thought of something, that’s all.”
“Something dirty?” Ava’s face relaxed, and she pumped her eyebrows instead.
Raven reddened even more.
“You don’t blush like that if it’s clean, come on,” Ava prodded her with her finger. “Tell me.”
“Don’t repeat this,” Raven held up her finger in warning, and Ava shook her head. “It was something Beck would say.”
Raven told Ava the thought she had with what she said. Ava laughed…hard.
“It’s not funny, Ay. I don’t think like that.”
“Well it proves that you do…now,” Ava continued to laugh.
“Let’s just go,” Raven groaned and headed out of the door.
Raven walked through the door to her Environmental Studies class and took her seat. Lunch had gone by smoothly, and Beck hadn’t said anything or done anything. He hadn’t even looked in her direction.
She wasn’t relieved either; she was disappointed, which surprised her.
“Raven, are you listening?” the professor asked, bringing her out of her thoughts.
“Oh, sorry. Yes I’m listening.”
Raven shifted in her seat, sitting up straight, and focused her attention on the professor’s lecture. It proved difficult when she remembered the naughty comeback from earlier.
She smiled.
Beck would’ve liked that.
She frowned.
She was in trouble.
Raven took notes as the professor spoke, but there was a noise distracting her from writing. Turning in the direction it was coming from; she saw two girls in her class whispering and looking over to her.
She glared at them, and they put their heads down. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she had a feeling it was something to do with a certain someone. That someone she was trying not to think about.
She didn’t let it get to her.
Instead, she carried on with her work and put Beck to the back of her mind.
Other students were wandering about going from class to class, and Raven wove between the bodies as she walked through the hallways. Her mind was preoccupied, and she didn’t notice the person beginning to walk along side her.
“Hi Raven,” the male voice said, and Raven snapped her eyes
John Baker
Nancy Thayer
Katherine Hill
Deborah Chanley
Peter Matthiessen
Liza O'Connor
Sheila Connolly
Linda Andrews
Sam Crescent
Kelly Jamieson