The Franklin Incident (Philly-Punk)

The Franklin Incident (Philly-Punk) by Raymond M. Rose

Book: The Franklin Incident (Philly-Punk) by Raymond M. Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raymond M. Rose
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    Praise for The Fire Inside: A Sidekicks Novel
    “The world the author has created is complex, realistic and most likely allegorical.  I’m not an accredited scholar, but what I can tell you is: I. Want.  More.” 
    Michelle, Reading Lark ( )
    “The ending was perfect, wrapping up all the loose ends in a way that was fitting for the story.”  Kelly, Reading Between the Wines ( )
    "Rose’s world building is well done and again quite a visual masterpiece."
    Leslie Wright, Blogcritics ( )
    "Really, I can't say enough good things about this book, and I can't wait for the next Sidekicks novel!"
    Katie B, GoodReads user
    Readers love Better Together
    "I really liked Paul.  He seemed like a real, normal person to me.  I felt that his character reacted to his life's situations in a truthful, realistic way.  Above all, every single thing in this book is believable, and that adds to its strength."
    Sarah, Sarah Reads Too Much ( )
    "The characters are extremely well developed, making it very easy to connect to them emotionally as the story progressed.  The story was definitely an emotional roller coaster and I was swept away along with the characters in their ups and downs."
    Kim, The Caffeinated Diva ( )
    "Paul will become a familiar friend to you and his son an adorable little sidekick who you just want to hug.  I certainly was sad when I had to put the finished product down and I will still think of the characters."
    Erica, Soon Remembered Tales ( )
    “Better Together really captures that kind of dual-living that usually only happens if you’re a parent or a bodyguard: you look out for your own self, but you’re hyper-focused on anything that might affect the health and safety of the person you’re caring for.”
    Tiger Holland, All-Consuming Books ( )


    First Edition, July 2012
    Copyright © 2012 by Raymond M. Rose
    Cover photography by Marcus J. Ranum
    Artwork and Book Design by Raymond M. Rose
    All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.
    Christopher Williams Books
    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available upon request.

    Raymond M. Rose
    The Fire Inside
    Black Mirror (coming soon)
    Boyertown Quartet
    Better Together
    Short Stories:
    The Franklin Incident
    Mr. Dad
    Career Path (coming soon)

    A Philly-Punk Story
    Raymond M. Rose

    I squeeze myself deeper under the massive mahogany desk, contorting my body into a horribly-uncomfortable position.  My limbs protest silently yet painfully at such unfair treatment.  I ignore them and continue to push until I can go no further down the 'rabbit hole.'  Deeply ensconced, though, I can hear nothing, and, regrettably, see less.  All I can do is smell: a trace of leather cleaning oil, a redolence of spent tobacco, and the coppery tang of blood spilt on the hardwood floor—
    click... click...
    Fingernails scrape against wood.  It's found us!   I try to push past my sudden panic and strain my ears to listen to....
    click... click...
    Nails dig through paint and pulp as... hands try to open... a doorknob?  Yes, I can hear the jingle of the slightly-loose knob as unseen hands slowly rotate it.  Though it's released before it can reach the full revolution.
    click... click...

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