The Fox Inheritance
The room behind me spins, and I grip the sink tighter. We were only products from day one. I touch my face. I'm a person. A human . You can't do this to humans. My head pounds with bloody red rage instead of pain.
    Like an egg. That's what I would do if he were here right now. Crush his skull like an egg and laugh while I did it. Kara was right. Do it. Do it . I should have. The manipulation I fell for boggles my mind. A lot of good 500 billion biochips did me. How could I have been so stupid? So naive? Kara never liked him or trusted him. I should have listened to her.
    I need Kara.
    I lean over the sink and splash water on my face. I will not forget this. Ever. Do you hear that, Gatsbro? Never. There is a hesitant tap on the door. "Just a minute," I call. I shake the water from my hands.
    Kara never liked Miesha either. What do I really know about her? When I exit, Miesha is waiting for me. I ask only one thing: "Where do the trains go?"
    "Everywhere." And then she frowns, understanding my meaning. "She could have gone anywhere, Locke."
    But she didn't. There's only one place Kara would go.

Chapter 27

    Miesha is already annoyed with Dot, insisting she is not an Escapee every time Dot uses the term. "I'm a fool is what I am!" she says, and I try to understand how that is better than being on the run.
    Miesha sits in the front seat with Dot so I can lie down and rest if I need to. How can I rest? Seeing where I'm going is more important. We're on a deserted country road that leads away from the warehouse.
    "Are you sure that is the girl Escapee's destination?"
    "No, and we--"
    "Yes." I override Miesha's response. "I know that's where she'd go. And her name is Kara."
    Dot nods. "Kara. Then we might find her in Topeka if we hurry."
    "No! Not Topeka. Calif --"
    "All roads lead to Topeka!" Dot and Miesha say simultaneously, and they both laugh, which only makes me uneasy. Their mutual understanding instantly shifts me to outsider status.
    Dot sees that I am not smiling or laughing. She explains that the major transgrid network is like a giant X crisscrossing the country with the major Train Depot Interchange at its center in Topeka. Smaller grids fan out from there. The small gridline in Boston goes to the major line in Albany, and from there it's a straight shot to Topeka. The trains move fast, but so do the cars that travel on the same grid. Dot says with Kara having to find her way around at the Albany station and then waiting for the next train, we might be able to get to Topeka just ahead of her. If not, we can go straight from there to California.
    "No! We have to stop her in Topeka. Whatever it takes. Speed! Just do it! She can't get to California before me."
    Dot looks at me in the mirror and then, removing her hands completely from the steering bar, swivels around to face me. Her customary smile is gone. I think she doesn't like my tone. She crosses her arms on the back of the seat and looks directly into my eyes. The car continues to maneuver on its own. "You must understand, Customer Locke, that I will do anything I can to help an Escapee. This is my chance to be somebody too--the most I can ever hope to be. I will have my own story of Escape to share with others like me. And if ... if for some reason I am unable to share my story, then stories will still be told about me. I will always be known as Officer Dot Jefferson, Liberator. I have crossed the line, and for me there is no going back. Because I have tampered with Star Cab property when I retooled this vehicle, I am beyond a simple temporary Release now. I will be recycled. So your success is my success. But there are obstacles that even I can't overcome."
    I clear my throat. "Okay."
    "The Topeka transgrid lane has a fixed speed of three hundred fifty kilometers per hour. I cannot go faster or slower."
    I nod.
    "And if my Retool left any traces of Star Cab ID--they can be very inventive in how they embed it--we could be rerouted at any Security

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