The First Taste is Free - Tales of a Lesbian Vampire (Episode 1 of the Pixie Chix)
    Felicia stopped, waiting for the sound to repeat.
    She scanned the forest in front of her, trees standing spindly and lifeless in the cold, winter air. It was a dark night, with the only light coming from the stars, but Felicia could still see well enough. There was nothing ahead of her.
    That thought lingered in her mind. There’s nothing ahead of me.
    She looked back the way she had come and could just barely see the distant town of Ammathelene peeking through the trees. From here it wasn’t much more than a dull orange glow; everyone was inside, close to a fire, trying to keep warm.
    And there’s nothing behind me.
    Except hunger, no matter where I go.
    She started walking again. With each step her feet sank into the snow, leaving a series of easily seen footsteps behind her. They didn’t remain for long, however, as the snow gradually rebounded to fill the indentations. The spell to hide her trail wasn’t exactly easy, but after using it so often for the past few years, casting it had become almost as natural as breathing. She didn’t think anyone was hunting her at the moment, but that didn’t mean she could relax her guard.
    The thought of being hunted made her stop and look around again. There was still nothing in sight and, matching the stillness of the winter air, nothing was moving. Even the slightest hint of activity would stand out, like blood on snow.
    No, it would be stupid to hunt her tonight. Really, it was stupid to hunt her any night, but they had tried a few times before so she had to stay vigilant.
    She glanced back in the direction of Ammathelene, but it was no longer visible. Even so, a wave of hunger washed over her.
    Keep walking. Don’t think about it.
    She started moving and the hunger faded. The hunger for blood, anyway.
    For the second time in her life as a vampire, Felicia hadn’t fed in almost two weeks. The first time had begun a month ago when she resolved to stop drinking blood for as long as she could. It had not been a pleasant test, but she had resisted for eight days before discovering an unexpected side effect: she became horny, unbelievably horny, so much so that her need for sex began to overwhelm her need for blood.
    If she were not Z’eph then that wouldn’t have posed much of a problem, as there never seemed to be a lack of men looking for an easy fuck. But in a town such as Ammathelene, finding a woman with similar inclinations was far more difficult.
    Felicia cursed silently to herself. So many things were better in the city, Finding a woman was never a problem there.
    That was always the trick: identifying other Z’eph. In smaller towns Felicia had visited, they did nothing to stand out, as if they were all in hiding. But for whatever reason, City Z’eph were much more open and much easier to find. And once Felicia found such a woman, the end result was inevitable.
    No one resists a vampire.
    Sadly, Felicia needed to avoid cities right now. The King had placed a bounty on vampires, and it seemed that everyone was watching everyone else, looking for signs of vampirism and hoping to make a few easy gold pieces. Felicia was adept at hiding herself, but in the city there were just too many chances to make mistakes.
    Out here the frenzy was muted. The “Vampire Menace” wasn’t something that anyone cared about and many didn’t even believe that vampires existed in the first place.
    Which made it the perfect place for Felicia to spend the winter. People to feed on were relatively easy to find, and as long as she didn’t actually kill anyone, no one seemed likely to discover what she was. There was always the chance of random vampire hunters making an appearance, but she hadn’t seen one in months.
    Really, her only problem with living in Ammathelene, was that she could find no one to fuck.
    Then she had met Erynthia, a young woman who tended a clothing shop in the day, and served drinks at a small tavern at night. From the first

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