The Firefighter's Girl
held her, kissed her neck, biting a little, sending mixed sensations through her, all of which ended as pure heat between her legs and as his mouth wandered down to claim a pebbled nipple, one hand traveled the flat of her belly until he cupped her sex and she moaned at the contact of it, of his hot palm on the whole of her.
    “Rebecca,” he said again while she fumbled with his belt. He pushed her onto her back on the sofa, his eyes devouring her as he stood and pulled off his pants. Her breathing came heavier when she took in the length of his cock and she opened her legs when he brought one knee down between them, lifting her hips and repositioning her so he was inches from her and the head of his cock just touched the wet of her pussy.
    “Sawyer,” she managed, lifting her hips to him.
    One hand again snaked through her hair and he watched her face when he pressed into her, claiming her in one hard thrust. Her mouth opened and she sucked in a ragged breath, gasping at the intrusion, relishing it.
    Sawyer moved inside her, kissing her and watching her alternately. His pupils dilated and she reached her hands from his shoulders to cup his face, wanting to hold him, to watch him as his movements came faster and shorter, her clit rubbing against him on every thrust until he reached once more to kiss her, his eyes remaining open on hers, a sound coming from him when he came, his cock throbbing while her pussy clenched around him, milking him until he stilled and lay the side of his face on her chest, his breath ragged now, sweat hot between their spent bodies.
    * * *
    Sawyer listened to her heartbeat calm, his hand running the length of one naked hip. She turned onto her side and her hand came to his face. Neither of them spoke when she pushed the sweat-slicked hair off his face. He watched her watching him, her eyes even softer than usual, an after-effect of orgasm, he imagined. A chill ran through him at that moment while her little hands traced the contours of his face, his jaw, his shoulder. She was so small, so vulnerable and all he could think was that he loved her. He loved Rebecca Banks. He had fallen in love with her ten years ago when they had gone through the death of his aunt together. He had lost her for too long, but in all those years, even if he had managed to bury his feelings for her, they were still there and they had never changed. He loved Rebecca Banks and he would do anything to keep her.
    “What are you thinking?” she asked, resting her hands on his face.
    He studied her, contemplated telling her just what she wanted to know.
    Just then, his cell phone rang from inside the pocket of his pants, breaking the spell between them. When he straightened, Rebecca slipped off the couch and onto the floor, handing him his pants. He found his phone and looked at the display.
    “What is it?” she asked, obviously noticing the change in his expression.
    “It’s John.”
    Her forehead creased with worry when Sawyer answered. It was a brief conversation, and he watched her anxious face as he took in the information that was being passed on to him.
    “I see,” he said. “All right, yes. Tomorrow then.”
    When he ended the call, she knelt up between his legs with her hands on his thighs. “What is it?” she asked. “You look worried.”
    “There’s a development.”
    “Shannon,” he said, shaking his head. “Her parents bailed her out. Do you know who they are? Do you know her last name?” he asked.
    “Ellison,” she said. He could see the goose bumps that covered her flesh.
    “She’s the Arizona governor’s daughter.”

Chapter Eight
    Neither of them had eaten much that day and most of the brownies sat on the counter untouched.
    “We need to leave in about an hour to get to John’s house in time,” Sawyer said after checking his watch. They were going to have dinner together with John and his wife.
    Rebecca nodded. “I’m anxious.”
    “We’ll get it

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