The Fire Inside

The Fire Inside by Virginia Cavanaugh

Book: The Fire Inside by Virginia Cavanaugh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Cavanaugh
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Please excuse my rude mate.”
    Konrad laughed. “No problem, Savannah. I’m used to him.” He
tilted his head to look at Tyra. “What do you say? You want to go hang out for
a bit, or should we go back to the house?”
    As much as her body burned to get closer to Konrad, she had
a feeling it would be safer—for now—to be around others. “I think we should
probably go hang out with the others.”
    “We’ll be there right behind y’all,” Konrad called out,
keeping his gaze on Tyra.
    * * * * *
    Tyra laughed as Cole delivered the punch line to his joke.
They’d arrived at Javin’s a few hours ago, and the pack members there had
welcomed her as if she’d been there for years. She sat between Konrad’s legs
and leaned back against his bare chest. He hadn’t bothered to put his shirt
back on earlier. Various couples sat similarly around the fire pit, while
others mingled and filled plates with BBQ and other side dishes. The moon,
nearly full, cast a warm glow over the large backyard. The humidity was
actually bearable, and even a nice cool breeze would waft past every once in a
while. Everything seemed perfect, except for the tall blonde female who kept
staring at her from across the yard.
    Konrad nuzzled her neck and she squirmed as goose flesh
spread over her arms, a smile lifting the corners of her mouth. She was tempted
to ask him to stay with her for the night, but she wasn’t sure if it would be
the best idea. Once would never be enough with him, and besides that, being in
heat meant she would be fertile as well. Yeah…definitely no going back after
    Babies? Hell, she’d never really ever considered children
before. With her plans to remain unattached, it had never been an option. She
gave a silent giggle. A child made of her and Konrad would have a stubborn
streak a mile long. Konrad looked at her questioningly, a smile lighting up his
face. She stared back into his amber eyes before laying a light kiss on his
full lips.
    “What are you thinking about?” Konrad whispered.
    She shook her head slightly. This wasn’t a conversation she
was ready to have, especially here. Things were moving way faster than she’d
ever expected. She needed a moment to think. She pushed up on his knees and
rose to her feet. “I’m going to get something to drink. You want something?”
    He looked up at her, a quizzical lift to one perfect arched
brow. “No, I’m good.”
    She turned and walked toward the large raised wooden deck,
where all the food and beverages were located. Even though warning bells were
silently sounding in her head, she didn’t want to back off. For once in her
life she had a chance at real happiness. The idea of seizing the chance both
thrilled and scared her. She had so many issues that needed to be dealt with,
but as she looked across the yard and saw Konrad staring at her, raw hunger
clear in his gaze, she wanted to be strong enough to conquer her fears. She
wanted to be what he needed.
    “Hey, gorgeous!”
    Tyra turned to look at the male addressing her. She smiled
as recognition dawned on her. Javin smiled back, his bright-blue eyes gleaming
with mischief. Definitely a ladies’ man, this one. He wore his dirty-blond hair
in the slightly mussed fashion that had become popular with men. His golden
skin was on display as he wore only a pair of basketball shorts that rode low
on his lean hips. “Hey.”
    “I see Konrad finally let you out of arm’s reach.”
    She laughed. “He is slightly overprotective.”
    “Hell, I would be too, if you were my mate.”
    She walked up the steps and found a place in line along the
wood railing, Javin stepping in behind her.
    “Like you’re ever going to find someone to put up with your
ass,” Luken spoke from behind Javin.
    Tyra turned with her back to the rail so that she could
converse with the two of them as they waited in line. “Is he that bad?”
    Javin huffed. “No. Luken’s just mad because Katya moved on.”
    “Oh, and who was it you

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