The Fight for Creation: Book 02 - Scout Warrior

The Fight for Creation: Book 02 - Scout Warrior by Saxon Andrew

Book: The Fight for Creation: Book 02 - Scout Warrior by Saxon Andrew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saxon Andrew
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Three were able to change the ones that joined their ranks. We don’t have that talent.”
    Jixie said, “I don’t know about that.”
    The four turned around and looked at her. Sam said, “What do you mean?”
    Jixie looked startled and said, “I see numerous warriors in the ranks that appear to be glowing with a violet light.”
    The four turned around and saw nothing like she was describing. Sam turned around and said, “Jixie, go out and pull those you see glowing and send them up here to the reviewing stand.” Sam turned and said over the PA, “Those of you selected will come to the reviewing stand.”
    Jixie climbed down off the reviewing stand and went out into the warriors ranks. She found the first one and said, “Move forward.” She moved quickly among the warriors and after thirty minutes two hundred and thirty Life Warriors were standing at the reviewing stand. Sam noticed that as they moved closer they started looking around as if they were hearing something.
    Admiral Gardner watched the selection process and wondered what was happening. Finally, Jixie came back to the reviewing stand and climbed back up to the other five. “That’s all of them, Sir.”
    Sam looked at the warriors gathered and saw a dim glow around them. Jixie looked at Sam and said, “Thirty of them are different from the others.”
    Sam looked at her, “In what way?”
    Jixie shrugged, “They have the same color but it’s different from the others.”
    Sam stared at Jixie, “Why would their color be different?”
    Jixie looked up at the sky and said, “I’m not sure, but they have the same color as one of the ships in orbit. I don’t know why.”
    Sam looked at Jixie and smiled. “Thanks, Jixie.” He turned to the three and said, “We need to break our link and see if these warriors lose the trace.”
    Jixie said, “They won’t.”
    The Four looked at her again and Jixie said, “I don’t know how I know, but I see that they are glowing with the same level the four of you are. Jennifer is also glowing at that level. I suspect that if you break your link and really try to focus on hearing the trace, you will. I think that these warriors just needed to feel the vibration of the trace and attenuate themselves to it, they won’t need you to continue to hear it.” Jixie paused and said, “Of course, I could be wrong; what do I know?”
    Sam said, “You appear to know a lot. How do you account for that?”
    “I have no idea. I just know that since the four of you linked I can see things that make no sense to me.”
    Sam stared at Jixie and saw nothing but an innocent expression. “Are you willing to assist these warriors in finding their weapons?”
    Sam looked at Robby and Jennifer, “Go with her and help her make it happen?”
    “Dort, I think the role of those with a different color in our group is to find and build the ships to transport us. You need to take them and go to the ship Jixie sees; teleport it to the shipyard to make modifications. Let your senses and that group’s sense lead you. I think we’ll need them to command other ships if our unit continues to grow.”
    Gon said, “So you think our Father has plans for us?”
    Sam smiled, “It appears he does. Robby, you and Gon meet with our new warriors and get them organized. Meet Jixie in the morning at the armory and get their weapons changed. We’ll start training the next day.” Sam thought a moment and said, “I suspect Jennifer will be in your unit, Robby.”
    Jixie said, “Her color matches yours, Sam.”
    Sam stared at Jixie, “Are you sure?”
    “I am.” Jixie was not going to allow Jennifer to be out of her sight.
    Sam took a deep breath and said, “Jennifer, you will take command of one of my squads. Jixie, you will command another.”
    “I appreciate the vote of confidence but I sense that I would be best used as a private carrying out your orders.”
    Sam smiled, “Sure about that?”
    “I am.”
    Sam stared at her

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