The Fanged Crown: The Wilds

The Fanged Crown: The Wilds by Jenna Helland

Book: The Fanged Crown: The Wilds by Jenna Helland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Helland
to the high window. He just had time to shove it on the ledge and leap toward the closed door before Predeau was back on his feet. With a sadistic grin, Predeau grabbed a heavy wooden chair and hurled it at Harp with no more effort than if he were throwing a bread roll to a dinner mate. Harp dodged the chair, rolling out of the way as it splintered against the wall. The impact knocked the lantern off the ledge where it smashed onto the floor into glass shards, oil, and flame.
    Though the lantern was gone from the window, it should have been enough. If the sailors were in the darkness waiting, they would have seen the light and recognized Harp’s signal. Both Harp and Predeau froze, even though the fire was spreading across the floor as the lamp oil seeped into the wooden planks. All they heard was the hiss of the flames, the sails cracking in the wind, and the rain hammering against the deck.
    Predeau loomed over him. “You made the wrong choice.” He raised his foot and stomped on Harp’s hand. Harp cried out at the impact. He heard a cracking noise; it felt like every one of his fingers had been broken under Predeau’s steel-toed boots. Then Harp felt a pounding vibration through the deck of the ship. The rhythmic pounding increased in volume as he heard voices shouting Predeau’s name. In two strides, Predeau crossed the cabin and threw open the door. Outside, the men stood defiantly on deck as the ship tossed in the rough waves and the rain pounded the
    boards. It wasn’t just Harp’s boys either, but many of the older men as well. Swords in hand, they were about to take their freedom.
    Harp didn’t turn toward Boult’s voice. His hand was resting on the tree, and his thoughts were firmly elsewhere.
    “Harp!” Boult marched up beside him and glared up at him. “Stop daydreaming,” he ordered. “It’s not her. Unless she shrunk to dwarf size and gained a substantial amount of weight.”
    That snapped Harp back to the present. “It’s a dwarf?”
    “Didn’t I just say that?” “No, you said she shrunk to dwarf size.” “The corpse is a dwarf. It’s not Liel.” “How do you know?”
    Boult stared at Harp in frustration. “Because it’s dwarf-sized,” he sputtered. “She’s got dwarf-sized bones and a dwarf-sized head, and it’s a dwarfs corpse. This is the stu- -pidest conversation we’ve had with each other in a decade of stupid conversations.”
    “Couldn’t it be a small human?”
    Boult rolled his eyes. “I’m going to forgive you for asking such a ridiculous question because you’re distracted by thoughts of your long lost love.”
    “She’s not my long lost—”
    “Blah, blah, blah. You’re only lying to yourself.”
    “Where in the realms did a dwarf come from?” Harp said ignoring Boult’s comment. “There weren’t any in the colony.”
    Boult shook his head. “They live here.” “In the jungle?”
    “You think we all live in mountains digging for gem stones?”
    “Well… yes.”
    Boult glared at him. “Shows what you know. We live everywhere. We live in the mountains. We live in the cities. We live in the jungles. We sail the oceans.”
    “No, you don’t. You’re the only dwarf in Faerun who’ll set foot on a ship, and you do a piss poor job of it.”
    “Well at least I can tell a dwarf from a human. You’re dumber than a starving ship rat.”
    Harp’s demeanor softened. “It’s not Liel,” he said, as if he finally believed it. “It’s not Liel. Which means we haven’t actually found what we’re looking for.”

    30 Hammer, Year of Splendors Burning
    (1479 DR) Winter Palace, Tethyr
    Tresco Maynard had seen the dense fog roll across the courtyard and cover the earth like a shroud; He hoped Evonne was safe within the walls, of the Winter Palace, but couldn’t take time to find her because he was obligated to search for his student Daviel, who had disappeared for the third time in a tenday. Tresco wasn’t worried about

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