The Failsafe Prophecies
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    The Seven Kingdoms
    Copyright © 2015 by Samantha
    Cover design by Samantha
    All cover art and logo copyright ©
    Edited by Amy Warren Stoll
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Book Dedication:
    I’ve never had a book come
out that I’ve been more excited about, or proud of. I know you will
all love this
story. I know the magic will capture your imagination, while the
romance captures your heart. We have nine more books to go after
this, so this is a commitment to a journey we’re taking together,
and I want to thank you all for having faith in me and letting this
wonderful story into your life.
    I would never have gotten to this point
without the love and support day in and out of both my kids. Nearly
four years ago I had to completely reset my life, and they both
have been with me each step of the way. If not for them, I think
going back to fiction would have stayed in the dream category
indefinitely. This is entirely backwards, but they’re the ones that
have taught me that it’s okay to make the things I want a priority.
And so I did.
    Going back to writing full time was a
scary proposition, one I wouldn’t have made without my kids pushing
me, but once I made the leap, it was my best friend Kevin who
helped keep my head on straight. His humor and support picked me up
at the hardest moments and helped me get to the finish line of this
first book… now he better be there for the next nine!
    Lastly, I have to thank my friend and
editor, Amy, without whom this book simply would not have been
possible. This idea had to be indie, but to go indie all by
yourself is just impossible. Amy’s editing of this book was the
gift of a lifetime to

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