The Explosion Chronicles

The Explosion Chronicles by Yan Lianke

Book: The Explosion Chronicles by Yan Lianke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yan Lianke
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will be located here, where we are now eating. Within three or five years, Explosion will be no longer a town but rather a city. Then, the county seat will be relocated here as well, since we will be as developed as the city. Most of our streets, however, lack traffic lights, so the buses and cars will continually run into each other, and the police will be kept busy from morning to night.”
    Everyone gazed at Kong Mingliang, eager to find a clue in his expression. But Mingliang, who was of average height and stockybuild, maintained a very serious and solemn expression, as strict as a mountain range blocking an underground river. No one could predict what he was going to say next, so they each simply watched him, as he stood there like someone who had stepped out of their dream and was standing in front of their bed. Mingguang, looking as though he wanted to check on something, walked over and grasped his brother Mingliang’s hand, but Mingliang, as though feeling he were the object of suspicion and ridicule, immediately pushed his brother’s hand away. Kong Minghui, meanwhile, stood up with a start and took half a step back. He covered his mouth with his hand, as though afraid he might say something that his brothers could take the wrong way.
    Their father, Kong Dongde, suddenly began weeping and, his shoulders shuddering, he exclaimed that he would be willing to spend another decade in prison if it meant he could have a son like Mingliang. Everything then changed, to the point that Kong Mingguang and Kong Minghui had no idea what was happening and simply stood there blankly in front of the window of the restaurant as the red rays of sunlight continued to stream in—making it appear as if they were blushing with embarrassment, like clay statues in the sunlight. There were some youths from the village who also stood in shock, like clay statues that had just been struck by lightning. They stood there expressionless and immobile.
    Kong Mingliang, however, remained as lively as before, since he understood what was going on. He looked with disdain at his brothers and glanced mockingly at the other villagers. Then he walked over and patted his father on the shoulder and said,
    “Dad, take it easy … you will be able to see everything.”
    His father stopped weeping, and Mingliang gazed at those village youths, explaining that they should endeavor to learn some things out in the world, and after the village was transformed into a town, a county seat, and a capital city, they would all become senior figuresin the industry and would be appointed section, bureau, and division chiefs. The last thing they wanted was to reach that point and find that they had no skills—that they couldn’t speak, make appointments, approve documents, or even schedule meetings. He concluded, “When the time comes, don’t blame me if I’m not generous and don’t give you responsibility for any big business or important administrative duties!” As he said this, he expected to hear complaints, but instead as he was speaking the restaurant owner brought over some dishes. The stir-fried vegetables were steaming hot and the steam enveloped her face. Mingliang shouted through the steam,
    “Twenty-four dishes are not enough. We need at least thirty-six, or even seventy-two. You should prepare at least ten banquet tables’ worth of food… . I intend to invite the head of every household in Explosion to come dine with me; I intend to invite everyone in the entire village to come dine with me… . I want everyone to know that within a few short years, Explosion will become a town, then a county, and finally a wealthy and prosperous metropolis!”
    By the time the men of the Kong household finished their meal and headed home, the moon was already high in the sky. The streetlamps and the moon combined to light up the scene as brightly as though it were daytime. The street was filled with the smell of sulfur from newly built tile-roofed houses; there

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