The Experiment

The Experiment by Christopher Costanza

Book: The Experiment by Christopher Costanza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Costanza
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be arrested and he’d just be replaced. It would be for nothingexcept my own freedom from all of this… There were many days when I couldn’t help but feel that a cell or death was better…
    As I hesitantly headed to the lab for another day of insanity, I ran into a bunch of soldiers transporting more natives… To my knowledge the current batch of “subjects” were all still alive, so I knew something had to have happened.
    When I walked into the room, Horus saw me and immediately yelled out “Atlas get in here, I’ve got excellent news!”
    As I entered his lab, I saw one of the natives sitting in my usual spot playing with some blocks meant for children… He looked up at me and then went back to what he was doing.
    Horus was standing there wide eyed, with a much larger than normal grin on his face.
    “I’ve done it Atlas; all of our work has finally paid off… I’ve already acquired his base intelligence test score and by the end of the day he should be ready to be tested for improvement.”
    I didn’t know what to say, so I just waited for him to continue. Horus loved to talk…
    He walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
    “I know this hasn’t been easy… As a scientist I may seem cold to what I’m doing, but believe me I’m not… at all. I’m very happy to say no more of the nativeswill have to be sacrificed if this works… and I think it already has. I just have to test him to prove it.”
    It was nice to finally hear Horus refer to them as people instead of objects...
    I forced myself to say “I understand.”
    “I made the breakthrough last night, a few hours after you left. I finally figured out why the treatment was killing them so I was able to correctly adjust it… I won’t get into the technical stuff… But as you can see he’s sitting here, perfectly healthy.”
    I had noticed no one else was at the lab yet. “That’s amazing Horus. This is so exciting… Where’s everyone else, do they know yet?”
    “I sent word early this morning for them to all take the day off. There’s nothing else they can do until I confirm it’s a success and start mass producing the injections… I will only need your assistance today.”
    …Of course…
    He cleared his throat and continued “When I tested his intelligence before administering the injection, he couldn’t figure out any of the puzzles or arrange those blocks properly… He didn’t even have the slightest interest in trying… Within a few hours I saw an immediate change… He started recognizing colors and patterns, even solved two out of the ten puzzles. They’re meant for children of course, but it’s a huge breakthrough.”
    Horus was completely confident he could finallyproduce results. And he was starting to remind me of the Horus I met on the Aurora… I guess it’s because he was so happy at the moment. I’m sure it wouldn’t last long…
    I guess it was somewhat of a comfort, but all this really meant is they would now go from tortured “subjects” in a lab to being forced into hard labor against their will. I suppose it was better than death, as we would eventually leave and they would all be set free… At least that’s what I told myself…
    For the rest of the day Horus observed his behavior and tested his blood at least once an hour.
    After he tested the native for the sixth time, he ecstatically said “It’s working Atlas! There is no sign of cellular degeneration or brain damage occurring! His heart rate is perfectly normal… His breathing as well!.. It’s working Atlas, it’s really working! Any negative effects should have already presented themselves by now.”
    Horus walked around the table and sat down at his desk, letting out a groan as hit the chair. He started entering something into his computer, and as he did he said “I have him on a calming medication to help prevent any violent outbursts. He’s still so primitive we could easily offend or threaten him without realizing it… I’d

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