The Exchange Part 1
me to claim. There’s no good reason why I should deny
     myself her body, not when it’s as desperate for my cum as I am to give it.
    Except, there is a good reason, a really good one, and I struggle to remind myself of that. “Sapphire do you even know what’s
     happening right now?”
    Her answer? Spreading her thighs, she presses down and rocks on my dick. The heat
     of her pussy goes right through my jeans.
    Sapphire bites into her glossy lower lip, groaning.
    My eyes roll into the back of my head and I swear I almost come right there.
    “Sex,” she says, her voice breathless. Husky.
    My balls tighten and I moan loudly, my mind replaying how her voice wrapped around
     that word.
    I want it. Now. My entire reproductive system kicks into action, demanding that I
     come inside her. God, it’s primal. All I can think about is thrusting inside her pussy,
     her walls sucking the cum out of me.
    Still, somehow , I open my eyes and force out one more excuse. “I doubt you know much about sex,
     and this is definitely not it.”
    Sapphire pouts down at me. “No. This isn’t, but I believe we’re working up to it.
     Foreplay, if I’m not mistaken.”
    Her tone is clinical as she explains it. I’m speechless for a few seconds.
    “And.” Another rock of her hips that leaves my teeth grinding. “We both want it bad.”
    As if to prove her point, my dick throbs nice and hard under her.
    “As for my not knowing about sex, let’s put aside the gross amount of knowledge available
     about it online,” she pauses, moving her hands down to my shoulders and cupping them.
     “Magdalena also had sex, and I can remember quite a bit of it.”
    What in the mother-flying-fuck?
    “Deimos?” she says in a small and cautious voice.
    Understandable. The growl I gave her was inhuman.
    The furious pound my dick gives reverberates through me. I squeeze my eyes closed as
     every fucking answer slides into place, my purpose becoming clear.
    She has those memories in her mind? The face of every asshole that had touched, kissed,
     licked, and fucked Magdalena’s body?
    Then I’ll erase that fucking bullshit. I’ll own her body. Replace every damned memory
     until there’s only me. For the rest of her life, whenever she so much as thinks the
     word sex , it’ll be with me .
    I grip her hips, moving her back and forth, making sure she feels every denim-covered,
     hard drag of my cock. She obviously knows it wants her; I’m about to show her just how much.
    “Don’t think about that shit,” I demand, growling. “They never happened, not to you . You only think about me.” I give her one more thrust and sit up. My head spins but I ignore
     it, clutching her and setting back in. “You want sex? I’ll fucking give it to you.
     I’ll show you what it’s like. Give you whatever you want.”
    Her lips fall open, her chest expanding on a ragged breath.
    I lean my head down, licking at her lips. When she whimpers and tries to kiss me,
     I pull back, smiling at the little disappointed sound she makes. “Do you understand?”
    “Yes,” she whispers in a dazed tone, her breaths racing.
    I grab that beautiful face and bring those lips back to mine. Her nails dig into my
     shoulders, scratching me through my shirt. I nip her bottom lip with one incisor and
     drag my tongue across it, soothing it.
    Thoughts are getting hazier, dragging me under. My cock pulses. The pound of my heart
     and the sounds that leave her is all I hear. Sapphire wraps her seemingly delicate arms around me. I clench her round ass in my hands and groan. Damn, the
     way it undulates with each move of her hips.
    That ass is deceptive. It shouldn’t belong on such a small girl. And I think I’m falling
     in love with  it.
    I grind into her. Without thinking, I slip my tongue between her lips, seeking more
     of her taste. Needing it, damn her.
    Sapphire writhes, her little tongue making contact with my own.
    Oh, fuck. Holding her ass, I rotate her on my dick. So

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