The Einstein Code

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Book: The Einstein Code by Tom West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tom West
Tags: Fiction, General, Suspense, Thrillers
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he opened it to find a file of almost two megabytes Marsha Edwards had sent. One point nine meg of it was a security code
which Jerry decrypted with a secure key he was directed to within another encoded website. Twenty minutes after calling his friend, Jerry had a detailed file on Adam Fleming and had begun
    CIA File #34565Brit/MI6.
    Special Agent Adam Sinclair Fleming.
    DOB : 16 March 1983, Norwich, England.
    Parents : Brigadier Miles Henry Fleming (deceased) and Dr Mary Louise Fleming
    Education : St Paul’s School, London; Rugby; Merton College, Oxford (PPE); Sandringham.
    Notes : Fleming is perceived as a model agent coming through the tried and tested British
     Establishment/class/military system. He comes from what the Brits call an ‘upper-middle-class family’, a military dynasty dating back to the 18th century. A rowing blue at Oxford,
     Fleming graduated with 1st class honours.
    Training and Skills : Qualified as Marksman 1st class, black belt Judo and Krav Maga master. Fluent
     Russian, Mandarin, Spanish. Pilot’s license.
    Derham paused in his reading to survey a collection of images of Fleming at Oxford, on exercises at Sandringham, his first ID photograph at MI6, attending a formal dinner
dressed in white tie, his blond hair oiled back rakishly.
    ‘Quite the golden boy,’ he muttered to himself. ‘And the girl to go with it,’ he added, noticing Fleming’s arm was draped around the bare shoulders of a stunning
woman with high cheekbones and large black eyes. He read on:
    Fleming joined MI6 in May 2008. He was recruited by his future wife, Celia Gainsborough.
    Jerry stopped again to study more closely the picture of Fleming with the woman.
    Gainsborough was Fleming’s superior in British Intelligence. They married in June 2009. Served together in Kabul (July–November 2009) and in
     Moscow over Christmas that year.
    Fleming then worked as senior field operative without Gainsborough in Lebanon, Beijing, and later, Cairo.
    Celia Gainsborough was killed on active duty in Mexico, June 2012.
    Fleming served three more missions to Moscow, returned to Cairo and completed two stints in Karachi.
    Personal Life : Since the death of his wife, Fleming has had no serious romantic relationships. He seems
     to have few friends and little time for any social life. He returned to Merton College, Oxford for a reunion in April 2014 and holidayed alone in Malta for the second week of August the same
    ‘Wow!’ Derham said to himself as he tapped his keyboard and scrolled down to the end of the report. ‘Just as it says on the packet!’
    There was a gentle tap at the door. Derham looked up and saw in the doorway the man he had just been reading about, his fingers on the handle.
    ‘You free?’ Fleming asked. ‘I have some news.’

    Institute of Marine Studies, Hampton, Virginia. Present day.
    ‘I don’t know how you have so much energy,’ Lou moaned, sipping at his second cup of strong coffee.
    ‘It’s early Sunday morning – the best time of the week. And don’t forget I went for a run at six,’ Kate replied.
    Lou rolled his eyes. ‘Obviously you are Superwoman.’ He turned back to his monitor.
    On the screen was an image of the inside of the cylinder they had found in the cockpit of Amelia Earhart’s plane a few days earlier. The piece of paper could be seen clearly, the three
words: ‘REMEMBER JOAN’S PLACE?’ Kate wheeled over her chair directly behind Lou so she could see the screen.
    ‘Handwritten,’ she commented.
    ‘This can’t be the extent of the cipher Einstein talked about on the film we saw. If it was as simple as that why go through the whole rigmarole of putting the message in this metal
    Kate flicked a glance at the rusted metal tube lying on the laboratory bench close by. ‘Why not just have somebody commit it to memory and pass it on, or come to that, why didn’t
this Professor Kessler simply say that over the

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