The Edge of Forever

The Edge of Forever by Melissa E. Hurst Page B

Book: The Edge of Forever by Melissa E. Hurst Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa E. Hurst
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will.” I try to smile, but my face feels frozen.
    “You’ll do great. I bet he wants to confess his undying love for you and promise to never leave your side again.” She folds both of her hands over her heart and sighs.
    “Now you’re being ridiculous.”
    “You wouldn’t have it any other way, would you?”
    No, I wouldn’t. This is the Sela I miss, the one who cracks jokes and wants to spend time with me without two idiots tagging along. It’s selfish of me to think that, but I can’t help it. Things were so much better before Jess and Miranda entered the picture.
    A bell tinkles as we walk into Java Jive. We’re enveloped with the scent of coffee and fresh pastries. I allow myself to relax a little. A few kids from school are already here. They barely acknowledge us as we place our order. I hope it stays that way. Why didn’t I tell Trevor to meet me at the library?
    I grab my order and head to a rear corner booth. Hopefully nobody will notice Trevor when he comes back here.
    Sela chats nonstop while I sip on my mocha frappé. I can barely taste it. The bell on the door sounds again and again. I twist around, and my stomach sinks like a stone in water. The place is filling up with kids from school. More are in the parking lot.
    Sela grins and waves at someone behind me. “Hey, over here!”
    Oh God, he’s here. I turn again, expecting to see Trevor, but instead I find Jess and Miranda heading toward us. Just great.
    “Hey, girlie,” Miranda says. She shimmies onto the bench next to Sela.
    Jess gives me a thin smile as she sits with me. “Where’s Trevor?”
    My grip tightens around my cup as I my eyes flick to Sela. “You told them?”
    She shrugs. “Everyone will know soon enough.”
    “But it’s just a study thing. He didn’t ask me out on a date.”
    “He hasn’t yet.”
    I take a long sip of my drink to keep from snapping at her.
    Miranda’s nose wrinkles as she watches me. “I hate to think about how many calories are in there.”
    Jess nods. “Uh huh. Those things are so fattening.”
    I hate the way the Brainless Twins stare at me with those smug expressions and wonder for a moment how good it would feel to throw my fattening frappé in their faces. No more smug looks, that’s for sure. But I don’t do anything except take a big bite of my fattening chocolate chunk cookie.
    Then I proceed to almost choke when Sela lets out a squeal. “Ooh, he’s here!”
    Reluctantly, I look out the store’s window. Sure enough, it’s Trevor. He parks his truck and jumps out, pausing to smooth his hair while studying his reflection in the side mirror.
    “Awww, look at that. He’s primping for you,” Sela says. The Brainless Twins twitter.
    I give Sela a withering glare. “Knock it off.”
    “Okay, no jokes.” She grabs her drink. “All right, girls, let’s clear out so Alora can work her magic on loverboy.”
    Jess snorts while Miranda shakes her head. I know what Miranda’s thinking and I agree with her—there will be no magic-making from me. Hopefully I’ll get out of here without becoming Willow Creek’s biggest idiot.
    The girls head to an unoccupied table near the exit. Even though I despise Jess and Miranda, I’d give anything to be with them now.
    I grab my history book and flip to the chapter I need to study. I try to read over the first paragraph. Nothing sticks. All I want to do is watch the door, but I don’t want Trevor to think I’ve been looking forward to seeing him. That’s pathetic.
    I’m so engrossed in pretending to study that I jump when Trevor says, “Hey, there you are.” He places his hand on my shoulder. “Easy there. Are you all right?”
    “Yeah, I’m fine.” I search for something brilliant to say, but my tongue feels heavy.
    He slides his history book on the table across from me. “I’m gonna get something to drink. You want anything else?”
    “No, thanks, I’m good.”
    After he leaves, I try to appear relaxed. I cross and uncross my legs

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