The Dumont Bride

The Dumont Bride by Terri Brisbin

Book: The Dumont Bride by Terri Brisbin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Brisbin
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Henry?” Impatience must have entered her voice, for Fitzhugh came forward once more and whispered something to the lad. The boy nodded once and again and then looked up at her.
    “Milord said he did not wish to be disturbed.”
    “When did he say this, Henry?” She turned in her chair to face him.
    “When I escorted him to his chambers, milady. Earlier this afternoon.”
    “Well then, Fitzhugh, if my lord husband does not wish to be disturbed, I see no reason to hold up our meal any longer. You may tell the kitchen to begin serving the food.”
    Fitzhugh hesitated for only a moment, but it was a moment too many for her in her current state of mind. She glared at the steward until he carried out her order, and it was indeed an order and not to be ignored or misunderstood.
    Servants rushed forward carrying platters for those at the high table and those below. Haunches of beef, game birds dressed with seasonings and covered in pungent sauces, roasts of mutton, all crispy and hot, were delivered and the smells of the well-prepared foods filled the hall.
    Soon all were eating, except for Emalie, who found that her appetite had fled once more. The enticing smell of her favorite dishes now seemed offensive somehow, as though tainted and unappealing. Breaking off a chunk of bread, she chewed it while the others ate the heartier fare. She sat quietly, not even trying to converse with the others.
    This rude behavior on Christian’s part was a puzzle to her. Why was he doing this? Sitting court in her hall, she could understand. It was part of his need to gather everything in Greystone and in her Harbridge estates under his control. Or maybe he was just uncomfortable here? He had arrived under orders of the king and been married within a day. He had no one fromhis household with him to serve him and had none of his own vassals or guardsmen.
    Emalie took a sip of the ale that now replaced her bitter wine. Mayhap he was just standoffish, as most French and Angevin nobles were to English subjects of the Plantagenets. Putting the cup down, she wiped her mouth with her napkin and stood, waiting for the servant behind her to pull her chair away. When others at the table began to rise, she stopped them.
    “I wish to retire early this night. Pray, continue with your meal and enjoy the entertainment I have arranged for your pleasure.”
    Although every one of those at the table knew she had made all these efforts to please her husband, they would never contradict her words to her face nor behind her back. Stepping away from the table, she walked down the steps and out through the hall, fighting back more inexplicable tears the entire way. Finally out of the hall, she climbed the stairs to the top floor and made her way to her chambers. Passing her husband’s door, she spied young Henry standing silently before it.
    “Has he spoken to you?”
    “No, milady. Not since he ordered me from his chambers.”
    “Has he not called for food or drink?” She walked closer to the boy to hear his whispered words.
    “No, milady.”
    “And is he alone?” Another suspicion entered her mind. If she had denied his physical needs would he take another to satisfy them?
    “I wouldn’t know, milady.” Henry looked away, clearly understanding her question even at his young age.
    “Go to the kitchen and have them prepare a tray for my lord. Bring it here when it is ready.”
    “But, milady. He said you were not to disturb him.”
    She paused, fighting to keep her surprise and hurt contained. She would reveal nothing of what she felt to this boy.
    “I have given you an order, Henry. Go to the kitchens now.”
    Although he hesitated for a moment, the boy bowed and left, leaving her to contemplate her next move. Emalie leaned close to the door and listened for sounds within. If her husband had mentioned her in particular in his order not to be disturbed, it seemed logical and somehow respectful that he would not want her to know of his assignations.

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