The Duke Conspiracy
my own will get out.”
    Mary gave a grunt of disgust but continued
waiting for the rest of the details.
    “Anyhow, I only heard part of their
conversation so I do not know what else was discussed, which is
part of the problem. What I did hear was them conspiring to entrap
the Duke of Wrentham into a marriage with Lord Austen's daughter,
Lady Anne.”
    Now understanding dawned on the maid's face.
“That is why you needed to speak with the duke. You were trying to
find out what might be behind it.”
    “That, and I did feel he needed to be warned
if he happened to be unaware of a plot against him. Despite all
that has transpired between our families, he has been my friend, or
at least my neighbor, for my whole life. I could not stand by and
see him get caught up in one of Broderick's schemes if there was
anything I could do to prevent it.”
    “And did he know anything?”
    “Not that I could tell. It seemed as though
he barely knew the knight. And he seemed genuinely surprised about
Lady Anne. He said they have barely exchanged words.”
    “Words aren't usually what entraps a man,
    “I am aware, Mary,” Rose answered, her tone
dry. “He asked for my help. And I agreed.”
    Mary gasped. “You are going to have further
association with Wrentham? What if your parents find out?”
    “We shall have to ensure they do not,” Rose
stated, not brooking any argument. “It is the best way for me to be
privy to whatever he might be able to find out. I need to know what
Broderick is up to.”
    “What is your role going to be? What sort of
help is he expectin' from you?”
    “I am to find out what I can from Lady Anne.
And if you would like to assist, you could accompany me on my
visits and see what you might ascertain from the servants'
    Mary was clearly torn between her loyalties.
As a member of the Smythe household she felt it her duty to despise
the Wrenthams, but her loyalty to her mistress, who clearly
intended to be involved, pulled her toward participation. Her
desire for excitement won out. “Of course I will assist you in any
way possible, Miss. When do we start?”
    “This very afternoon, if possible. I am to
meet the duke again the day after tomorrow so we must make
    “Did you think you ought to tell your father
about Sir Broderick?” Mary asked.
    “That was my first inclination, as soon as I
heard his voice. But I am afraid my father would leave all reason
behind when he heard the duke's name in the story. That is why I
need more information. If we can get Wrentham's involvement out of
the way and ensure he is somehow safe from entrapment, we can
pursue the other angle and get my father involved. I wish there was
someone else I could confide in who would be able to have a clear
mind on the subject because I do fear this is a much bigger issue
than just a plot to entrap a duke. And I would rather have someone
else involved sooner rather than later. But alas, for now it is us
and the duke against the world.”
    “Not to overdramatize, right Miss?” Mary
    “A little over dramatization never hurt
anyone,” came Rose's cheeky reply. “Although, in all honesty, it
feels that way at the moment. I am truly uncomfortable about Sir
Broderick's presence in London, let alone knowing of any plot
involving him. I can assure you, I would never have approached the
duke if it were not necessary.”
    “Of course not,” Mary soothed. “Now we are
almost home, please tell me our plan so that I can figure out the
rest of my duties.”
    “Oh Mary, I hope I am not going to be
burdening you with this.”
    “Never fear, Miss. Remember, I asked for
    “True enough,” Rose laughed. “The first place
I was going to start was with my friend Lady Elizabeth. I have not
yet decided how much I wish to tell her. Certainly nothing about
any prior knowledge I might have of Sir Broderick. But she is very
well connected socially so she will be able to introduce me to Lady
Anne at the

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