The Dragon's Vamp

The Dragon's Vamp by C.A. Salo

Book: The Dragon's Vamp by C.A. Salo Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Salo
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What the hell was he waiting for, why didn’t the creature kill him straight out? Lifting his foot, Rhys kicked out, hitting his target with minimal effect. Damn he was going to die like this. His eyes fluttered. “Mari, love…”
    Rhys’ eyes flew open when the roar reverberated over the land—she was alive and she was pissed. When Olipisies’ hand loosened on his throat, Rhys took the chance and came up with his own hands, knocking the creature’s arms off him. Rhys swung up and out with his clawed nails, making several two inch cuts across Olipisies’ abdomen.
    Olipisies came up with a hit that sent Rhys flying across the ground.
    Rhys snarled as he jumped to his feet, running for Olipisies with his sword drawn. Rhys’ security forces were behind him as they spread out, taking down any attacker that was lucky enough to break through the lines. “My woman lives and she’s coming for you!” Rhys yelled as he swung, hitting Olipisies on the right arm.
    “She may be, but you’ll never see her again!”
    Rhys’ attack stopped short when he was completely lifted off the ground. He cried out as his body squeezed in on itself. His hands forced down, he couldn’t lift a leg, never mind a foot, as he was being crushed. Then as he was falling, a monstrous roar filled the air. Once his knees hit the ground he glanced up and saw a blood red dragon before him with blue spikes going from her head to her tail, and to the tips of her wings. “Mari.” Rhys backed up as she swung her tail at Olipisies, knocking him toward the sea. Mari came to stand between them. Rhys’ head tilted as she stood up on both hind legs and let out the loudest roar he’d ever heard. Glancing over, he watched Galen and the others cover their ears as Olipisies flew backwards by the sheer force.
    “You crazy bitch!” Olipisies screamed. “I’ll kill you!”
    Rhys rushed forward out of instinct to protect his mate and found himself forced to his knees in front of Mari, his throat being squeezed again. Glancing over he met her eye. “Do it,” he said with his mind. Her head tilted and he shut his eyes hoping what she’d told him was true as she released her dragon’s breath on the both of them. Rhys opened his eyes at Olipisies’ screams to see the creature burning as he backed away, releasing his hold. Rhys stood within her flames, his sword drawn. He lunged forward, driving it into Olipisies’ chest and down to his hips. Yanking it out, the creature dropped before him. Rhys stepped over to him, aiming for Olipisies’ heart, and thrust down again, striking home before withdrawing his sword as Mari’s flames died down. Glancing up, he noticed Triton with twelve others—ancient  Greeks looking like Other Kin—surrounding them. His chest heaved as he stepped back. They lifted their hands and cast some kind of light barrier around the burned creature crawling on the ground.
    “Step back, my love, we’re almost finished,” Mari said.
    Rhys followed behind her as she withdrew the black orb her mother had given her. Once she took her place in the circle she held it up and spoke in a language he didn’t understand. His eyes widened when Olipisies screamed as he turned to his black mist and was sucked into the orb.
    “How’s that for a crazy bitch, you psycho?”
    When the lights went down and Mari stepped back, Rhys grabbed her arm and turned her to him, lowering his mouth hungrily. “Don’t you ever almost die on me again, Mariwen Gawain Beven,” he breathed heavily.
    “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on it.”
    Rhys chuckled as he lowered his mouth to hers quickly before glancing up at Triton with narrowed eyes. “Where in the hell were you, fish breath?”
    “By the Gods I still get no respect.” Triton grinned as he stepped forward, hugging them both. “Talk to the ’rents, aunts and uncles. It wasn’t easy convincing them.”
    When one of the others stated he wanted the orb, Rhys tried to grab Mari as she broke free. She

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