The Dragon Savior of Tone: World of Tone: Book 2
alone. No other creature could survive the lightning. His back ridge could absorb and deflect the terrible flashes of energy. The image of the mountain slowly changed back to a sand sculpture before him and his family.
    The sand next to Fienna began to vibrate and mound up until it reach the same height as Fienna. It formed into an older, quite beautiful human female. She twisted as if looking around the area. She looked at Fienna, then Cardana, and smiled.
    “She is a beautiful baby,” the woman said in a very odd scratchy voice. It sounded as if rocks were rubbing against each other, creating a voice of a sort.
    “Thank you,” Fienna said.
    “This is Tone. Tone this is Fienna, my mate, and my daughter,” Terra introduced them to Tone.
    “I know of you from Terra and I know what is happening,” Fienna said.
    “I am sorry I have to bring Terra into this, but I have no choice. He is the only one that can defeat the darkness. You see the dark one was my first-born and I failed him. I was able to control him, but he has become too strong for me. He must be gone, and soon,” Tone said with sadness showing in her face.
    “You have shown us the other side of the mountains. I have questions,” Terra said.
    “Ask them,” the sandy figure replied.
    “What is the icy area in the mountains?”
    “The ice is where the elves went. They suspended themselves in time with their magic. You have the power to clear the ice and release them. They betrayed their allies in the previous fighting. You must choose if you wish for them to join in this fight.”
    “Why does the lightning attack the dead trees?”
    “The trees are not dead. Their roots still live and fight the darkness in their own way. The dark one thinks the lightning kills the roots that spread throughout the dead lands. He does not understand that they are all connected. The tree roots hold the water and many seeds of the long dead plants. They have grown weak and soon will begin to lose their fight with the darkness. They need you.”
    “Can they help in this fight?”
    “Yes, but you need to help heal them.”
    “I understand. Why are the clouds brighter over the mountains?”
    “I push clear water through the mountain winds up into the clouds. The water breaks up the dark clouds. It blocks the expansion of his power.”
    “I see. Fienna needs to be able to talk to you as I do.”
    “I will listen for her and will answer if I can,” the sand woman said.
    “Good. We need a place to leave our daughter, a safe place where she is protected against any attempt to harm her. Do you have such a place?”
    “There is a location under the water near the sea nymphs' village. It is the safest place I can provide for her. It is a cave within the mountain that the sea nymphs call ‘Lampo.’ I can show you the hidden entrance. You must go through a series of tunnels under the mountain to get to a chamber as beautiful as your home.”
    “Does it have air?” Fienna asked.
    “Yes. And it will hold her and any you choose to protect her safely. Rest, Terra. You will need all of your power. You are my hope and the hope of all. You need to know one final fact. The dark one may be many places at any time, but must always be in one place at all times,” the figure said as it fell into a simple pile of sand.
    Terra did not understand why Tone gave him information in such vague statements. He wished she would simply tell him what she wanted him to know. Perhaps, it was because she never talked to anyone but him, and did not know how to explain things to intelligent beings. What ever the cause it annoyed Terra to have to figure out what she was telling him.
    At sunset Terra and his family returned home and he began to plan for the upcoming fighting.

Chapter 17 - Old Enemies Emerge
    (Old enemies are the most dangerous and can destroy all, if not stopped.)
    - The Time of the Draman -
    In the Black Mountain, the ancient wizard slowly, and with

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