The Domination of Diana

The Domination of Diana by M.J. Aleese Page A

Book: The Domination of Diana by M.J. Aleese Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.J. Aleese
Tags: Erótica
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so that you may be heard by one and all." Dr. Sell’s head hung as she listened to her husband’s reprimand. When he’d finished, Troy watched Juliana fall to her knees and speak first to him, “Master Troy, I apologize for being rude to you. I did not mean to offend.”
    Troy marveled at the power of Derek Terrill and replied, “Apology accepted, you may rise.”
    “Now, make your request known." Derek’s voice left no room for misinterpretation. Juliana had been chastised publicly, and her display of obedience wasn’t complete.
    “Master,” her eyes peered toward only Derek. “May I use the bathroom?”
    “Very good, now tell our guest what would happen if I said no.”
    “I would have to wait." Troy could see, in her expression that she feared that particular response, but her eyes brightened at Derek’s next words.
    “However, I will not." Turning to Troy, “If you will excuse us for a moment, I seem to be the only owner, to the key of her chastity belt.”
    Troy nodded as the loving couple walked through the door. His mind reeled with this recent revelation. It seemed that Liam’s version of BDSM was but a slice of what is available. He thought again about Diana. They could do this. They could carry on normal lives and yet maintain a master/slave relationship. If only he could reach her.
    Waiting for the Terrills’ return, Troy checked his cell phone. He had a message: Sorry, Bro. My meeting is still in progress. Can we make it 11? Or is tomorrow better?
    Troy had hoped it might be from Diana. He exhaled and checked the time, almost half past nine. Gosh, time had gotten away from him. He was glad Liam couldn’t make it. Troy wanted more information from the Terrills. That is, if Derek would allow his questions.
    Troy replied to the text: Sure thing. Let’s plan on Thursday. After work?
    Making himself at home on Derek’s sofa, he observed the couple’s return, hand in hand. Derek offered Troy more information. “I do not want you to misunderstand. I do not doubt my slave’s virtue. However, sometimes here at the club I must leave her unattended. There is a code of honor that prohibits one male from taking another male’s slave, without his permission. Many grant that permission." The arm that encircled his wife tightened, “I do not, which is outwardly denoted with this lock." Derek fingered the silver chain around Juliana’s neck and the silver padlock charm.
    Troy replied, “Interesting. I didn’t know that. I mean all the club slaves have locks.”
    “Yes, which signifies their status, the difference is they are owned by the club. As a member of the club, you are part owner. In reality, they are owned by Carmichael International, the parent company of Creation Inferno.
    "Your misconception is why my slave wears a chastity belt. I will not allow anyone to misconstrue her availability. Females are not allowed to refuse a male. The locket and belt inform other males that it is I who refuse them."
    “Alright, but if you must leave her unattended, haven’t I read about belts that allow for urination?" Suddenly Troy felt uncomfortable discussing Dr. Sells in this manner. “I apologize, I have been thinking about my fiancée and me becoming involved in this lifestyle, and my curiosity is getting the better of me. This is none of my business.”
    Derek grinned as Juliana’s eyes remained respectfully downcast. “My slave, tell our guest why you are not wearing that type of belt.”
    Her blue eyes remained bright and clear as she answered, “I am being punished this evening." Troy raised his eyebrows – this was so freak’n hot. “I have a problem with punctuality. Tonight I was not ready, at the time my master instructed.”
    Derek continued her speech. “Is the solid belt the only punishment for your infraction?”
    “No, Master. Master Troy, I was also spanked. It is because I continue to have the same problem. But, I am trying to work on it.” She once again lowered her eyes.

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