Interstellar War (The Pike Chronicles Book 5)

Interstellar War (The Pike Chronicles Book 5) by G.P. Hudson

Book: Interstellar War (The Pike Chronicles Book 5) by G.P. Hudson Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.P. Hudson
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Firing coil guns.”
    The big guns shot their high velocity projectiles at their target as Kevin waited. The combined speed of the advancing ship and the projectiles hitting head on, would cause significant damage, hopefully destroying the warship. The only defense would be to get out of the way, but the odds of that were slim. The projectiles didn’t light up the void, like an energy weapon, or a missile, so they were difficult to see. The Kemmar scans wouldn’t pick up the incoming projectile until it was too late, if at all. Kevin waited until the projectiles reached their target.
    “Direct hit, Sir,” said Ensign Michael. “Reading heavy damage.”
    Kevin smiled. “Time to join the fray,” he said to no one in particular. “Helm, jump to grid coordinate B14.”
    “Jumping to B14, Sir.”
    The Vanguard appeared above the lead Kemmar warship. Plasma and debris vented into space through an ugly hull breech. The Reiver and Chaanisar cruisers soon appeared nearby. The four picked the prone Kemmar ship apart like a pack of famished hyenas. At the same time, the Diakan battleships laid down long range suppressing fire against the other advancing Kemmar vessels.
    The enemy starship succumbed to its injuries, its hull snapping into two lifeless chunks. Seconds later the Vanguard jumped to a new location, targeting another warship. Just as before the others followed, isolating the target and pulverizing it with their combined weapons.
    The battle continued in this way, spreading confusion and inevitable destruction throughout the Kemmar ranks. Together, they quickly destroyed their targets, jumping to the next before the other Kemmar ships could intercept them. Each attempt by the Kemmar to regroup, proved too late. The jump ships were too agile. And, together they created an insurmountable advantage.
    The battle had raged for hours when Kevin’s ships emerged victorious. They had suffered substantial damage, but everyone remained in one piece. More importantly, they had learned how to fight together. The loose alliance had been thrown together at the last minute, but Kevin felt confident that the encounter made them a team. In particular, the Diakans proved willing to accept Kevin’s command and fight hard for the group.
    “Helm, ping the jump gate,” ordered Kevin.
    “Pinging gate, Sir.”
    A large translucent field suddenly appeared in what was previously empty space. The Vanguard launched a small surveillance drone through the gate. It returned moments later, and transmitted the results of its scans to the Vanguard.
    “Surveillance drone reporting all clear, Sir,” said Ensign Michael.
    “Looks like that’s all the excitement for today,” said Kevin. “Advise all ships that we will be crossing through the gate.”
    It was a matter of minutes before all six ships crossed through the gate, leaving behind only the lifeless debris of dozens of Kemmar warships.

Chapter 21
    Prime Minister Sallas read through the grim report with trepidation. The Kemmar had spread like locusts across human space. How long until they conquered New Byzantium? The military worked tirelessly around the clock to shore up their defenses. But what could that really prevent? New Byzantium was cut off from any support, giving the Kemmar all the time they needed to slowly choke them into submission. They would all be enslaved.
    It seemed a farce.  He’d fought his whole life for freedom, he couldn’t fathom living what little he might have left in slavery. No matter what he did, there was always someone else trying to exert power over him. Even after bringing democracy to New Byzantium, his own military turned on him, tossing him in prison. Then the corporations attacked. Now the Kemmar. It was Jon Pike who had helped save New Byzantium from the Junta and the corporations. Where was he now?  If he were here, could he hope to make a difference against so many Kemmar ships?
    A communication request from General Calledonius jerked him

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