The Dom Prize (The Dominants

The Dom Prize (The Dominants by Mina J. Moore Page B

Book: The Dom Prize (The Dominants by Mina J. Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina J. Moore
Tags: Book I, The Dominants
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one bedroom didn’t have the luxury of a guestroom so I bought myself one for my friends. No family visited with the exception of those rarities when my loving mother showed up with her thousand dollar makeover and the horrid attitude. And she wouldn’t be caught dead sleeping in my space. She much preferred the Waldorf Astoria. Thankfully her visits were rare.
    Karli slapped at my shoulder. “Now Gia, I am only trying to be a friend here. You run the show at your job and those poor guys you date don’t have a chance. I actually feel sorry for them.”
    I threw a pillow at her. Knowing I had issues in the “men” department didn’t make me feel any better about taking this trip to God knew where. The “details package” I was supposed to receive at the event had been misplaced and I should be getting it first thing in the morning via special delivery. Why had I agreed to even look at it? They did say I reserved the right to decline if I didn’t want to participate. I should have just said no thanks right then and there. Crap.
    I had given Chris Parks, the event organizer, my address and I trusted him because Karli did. No way would I be giving it to anyone else.
    “I’m not so bad. I don’t have the patience for sniveling idiots in bed. Maybe I’m not normal, you know? I just need more and I haven’t found it yet.”
    I rearranged myself on the couch because if I was being honest, this conversation was getting me agitated.
    “And don’t you think this may be something you would enjoy?” Karli quipped.
    Boy, where was she going with all this? She knew I had tried various different, kinky-type things to try and liven up my sex drive and none of it had worked. Sure, I enjoyed it but nothing really blew my mind, so to speak.
    She uncurled herself from the couch and sat up. Oh boy. Time for the serious talk.
    “Listen, you know you need more. Previous relationships just haven’t gotten you there. That other stuff you’ve tried has been amateur and you know it. You need something different. You need a man who can dominate and challenge you at the same time. So, why not try it? Read the terms and then make a decision. What do you have to lose?

    DAY 1
    I was on a fucking plane. How had Karli convinced me to do this? After the party, I had gone home and totally dismissed the possibility. Now, I was on an unplanned vacation going to meet him. I didn’t even know who him was! Shit. I squirmed in my first class private jet chair. That’s right. I was sitting in his private jet. This guy was seriously rich.
    I looked down at the dreaded package. Thank God for Chris, who I found out through Karli, was also a Dom. He couldn’t disclose the identity of the one I was meeting but assured me of his credentials. Yeah, that made me feel a tad bit better.
    Most of it entailed the basics of the arrangement and different websites on BDSM for me to “review”. I had almost cancelled when I read some of the articles. I glanced once more at the most important paragraph.
    In such case that the Submissive feels uncomfortable, she will be provided with separate accommodations for the duration of the allotted time. She will also be provided with a paid return ticket if she so chooses to depart .
    Well at least the return ticket part made me feel a little less apprehensive. Flying across the county to meet a stranger in Colorado? That made me apprehensive. Another package would be waiting for me when I arrived. This would be the negotiation on Terms and Conditions. Joy.
    I jumped when the male flight attendant offered me a drink. He smiled patiently, awaiting my response. Nodding vigorously in the affirmative, I practically begged. He was back with my anxiety beverage within minutes.
    “Very well, Ms. Solaris. We will be landing shortly.”
    I took a very unladylike gulp of the screwdriver before speaking. “How long is shortly?”
    He looked at his watch. “Landing is at precisely four. Mr. Stone will have a car

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