The Dom Prize (The Dominants

The Dom Prize (The Dominants by Mina J. Moore Page A

Book: The Dom Prize (The Dominants by Mina J. Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina J. Moore
Tags: Book I, The Dominants
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It’s a monster.”
    “Hey, did they take your invitation at the door?”
    I thought it odd she would question that. “Yes. Yours?”
    She smiled and I began to have doubts. “What is going on Karli Rallings? You better have not—”
    The announcer piped up, catching everyone’s attention once more.
    “And now for the highlight of the night. One lucky gal or guy will win our Seven Day Love Fest with a Dom. This final prize will be chosen by our lovely Rhea.” I couldn’t believe how quickly the evening passed in a blur of dildos, butt plugs and fancy lingerie.
    I watched as a beautiful woman in a red teddy came on stage pushing a large clear container. Inside were square, red…
    “Tell me they are not drawing by invitation.” I said between clenched teeth.
    “And the winner of our extravaganza is…”
    I held my breath, a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach
    “…Gia Solaris.”
    That’s it. I was going to faint then I was going to fucking kill Karli. Somehow, I made it up to the stage to claim my prize. The announcer babbled on about the instructions being in the package he was handing me with dates to choose from and blah blah blah. I was too busy freaking the hell out to hear any of the particulars.
    * * *
    Karli knew I was fucking pissed because not one word came out of my mouth the entire ride home.
    “I’m coming in. You have to talk to me at some point.”
    I glanced over at my best first and scowled. “The hell you are. Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”
    Karli gave me her famous puppy eyes and I had to repress my smile. I slouched down on her fancy bucket seat and covered it with my hand.
    “A Dom, Karli? What the hell would we do other than kill each other?”
    Karli rolled her eyes at me as she often did when I went on a tirade.
    “Have you ever thought about letting go of all that control and allowing someone else to take care of you?”
    I didn’t think I liked where this conversation was going. I had been taking care of myself since I was eighteen and doing a damn good job of it. Getting through college alone had been hell. Thankfully my father had put away money for my education and with his life insurance I was able to live on my own until I landed a job. From there I had worked my ass off to get into a well-known marketing firm and move into the corner office, thank you very much. My subordinates were mostly male and good looking ones at that. Judy, my right hand, was a dream to work with. My life was good.
    “I don’t need some whip wielding psycho for that,” I muttered.
    “Gia Solaris! That is not what it’s about at all. People in that lifestyle are very committed. It’s a very deep connection based on trust and conceptuality. Both parties are exactly where they want to be, just ask Donna.”
    My head snapped in her direction. “Donna? What about Donna?”
    Karli smirked. “Come on. You have to know Donna and her husband started out as a Dom and Submissive.”
    “Get out of here. Well, I could see Ted being a bit on the hard side.”
    Karli smiled. “Oh no. Ted is the Submissive.”
    I know my eyes bugged out of my head. Ted was your typical football Sunday, beer drinking, pound his chest macho kind of guy. I couldn’t even imagine him cuffed and getting spanked.
    “Believe it.” She winked.
    She pulled up to my apartment building and the doorman moved forward to take Karli’s keys.
    “Scratch her and I will have to sic my daddy on you, Keith.” She blew the older man a kiss as he got in her car.
    Karli’s father owned the complex and Keith had practically seen her grow up. I waived him off and wrapped my coat around my body. It was freezing. Karli got her way and came up to my place. We settled in with a steaming cup of coffee to wipe away the sleepy effect of the alcohol. This was going to be a serious conversation. I knew it when Karli kicked off her shoes and tucked her legs up on my couch.
    “Do I need to pull down the Murphy bed?”

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