The Doctor's Pet

The Doctor's Pet by Loki Renard Page A

Book: The Doctor's Pet by Loki Renard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loki Renard
lot in front of Kirk’s car, seriously thinking about kicking it. She wasn’t usually the destructive type, but all her stuff was ruined and Kirk had caned her brother and… “Goddammit, you stupid asshole!” she yelled at the vehicle, which sat there mute and smug.
    “Tessa…” Kirk came out of the building and ran to her, catching her up in a tight hug, which she struggled to get out of. He smelled of beer and regret.
    “I’m sorry,” he said, holding her close. “I did what I thought was best. I guess I was wrong.”
    “You weren’t wrong,” Tessa cried, unable to keep the anger up any longer. Her tears began to flow where her rage subsided. She wasn’t really angry at Kirk for what he had done. She was angry at herself for having failed to do anything for so long. “You were right. I just… I hate that you have to fix everything for me, even my own brother.”
    “I like doing things for you,” Kirk said, pressing kisses to her face. “I love you. I want to be able to fix everything for you.”
    “But you can’t fix everything,” she sniffed. “Everything is broken. Tim is a mess and one caning isn’t going to change that. I’m never getting my deposit back on my apartment. I can’t… I can’t do anything properly, Kirk.”
    “You do a lot of things properly,” he reassured her.
    “You’re going to stop liking me once you realize this doesn’t stop,” she said as if she could see the future. “You’re too damn good for me and my messed-up life, Kirk.”
    “That’s where we disagree,” he replied, cuddling her close. “See, you see yourself as a mess with a chaotic life. I see someone talented who works very hard and has to deal with a lot. I see someone with spirit. I see the woman I’ve fallen in love with.”
    He looked at her as if he expected to see her smile. She didn’t. She burst into gales of tears, sobbing against his shoulder as he held her tight. She was overwhelmed and overextended. She’d been carrying a huge burden and it had taken its toll. She had no more strength left, no more anger, no more anything besides the tears.
    “Shh, it’s okay, pet,” he said “I’ve got you.” He picked her up and carried her to his car. She allowed him to do so, hiding her face in his chest as sob after sob wracked her body.
    * * *
    A short drive later, Tessa sat on Kirk’s couch wrapped in a blanket feeling everything and nothing at the same time. Kirk had bought her hot cup of tea, which was going cold on the coffee table in front of her.
    “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she said in a dull voice. “I don’t know anything anymore.”
    “You’ve been through a lot for a long time,” Kirk said, sitting next to her and wrapping an arm about her shoulders. “I think you’re finding it hard to adjust to not being in charge of absolutely everything. Working two jobs, handling your brother, being bailed up by criminals, that’s more than one person can be expected to deal with.”
    “But you’re dealing with it,” she sniffed.
    “No, I’m dealing with you,” he reminded her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “It’s obvious that you need an extended break from work and from responsibility.”
    That sounded nice. “Like a holiday?”
    “Almost,” Kirk smiled. “For the next week, you are not going to work. You are not going to think about any bills, brothers, or anything else. You’re my pet, Tessa. And you’re going to be treated like it.”
    She let her head fall back against the couch and groaned. “You mean you want me to wear a tail in my butt all week? That’s my punishment?”
    “This isn’t a punishment,” he said. “It’s a treatment, of a kind. You’re sick from stress, and no wonder.”
    “A treatment.” She rolled her eyes. He was being nice, but she was feeling petulant for some reason she couldn’t quite understand.
    His dark brow lifted in her direction. “Are you sure you want to give me attitude?”
    “I’m not

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