The Do-Over
lawyers who peeked into her office and the people on the phone. It was strange how this didn’t carry over into her personal relationships.
    Brad stuck his head in. “Hey, Kyle. Hi, Lanie. They’re in conference room A. Ready to walk down?”
    “Sure. Thanks, Brad,” Lanie replied and threw away the majority of her lunch.
    When Brad stepped away, Kyle discreetly asked, “Why is Brad here?”
    “He’s my co-counsel,” she answered.
    The idea irked Kyle because they would be working long hours together in the upcoming weeks. But it shouldn’t. After all, Lanie would get to know Brad better, possibly resulting in her attraction to Brad becoming mutual. That was the goal. Wasn’t it? He and Lanie were friends engaging in some sexual activity. Certainly, if she told him tomorrow that she was with Brad, he wouldn’t care. In fact, he’d be happy for her, but he still couldn’t shake the bitter taste in his mouth whenever he thought about it or stop his fists from automatically clenching.
    They followed Brad down to the conference room. A striking middle-aged woman with stylish, cropped brown hair, wearing a pale pink suit, stopped them. “Lanie and Brad, just who I wanted to see.”
    “Hi, Magda.” Lanie’s eyes shifted toward the ceiling in obvious annoyance. Magda regarded Kyle slowly and then looked to Lanie, clearly waiting for an introduction. “This is Kyle Manchester. He’s doing an interview for my case.”
    Kyle shook hands with Magda and tried to avoid her flirty looks and the way her fingers rubbed his hand.
    “Oh, a journalist, how nice.”
    “Is there something you needed, Magda?” Lanie asked.
    “I need to know if you’re bringing a guest to our black-tie event. I have to get the final numbers, and damn if I haven’t been chasing lawyers down for them all day.”
    “Sorry, I didn’t realize you needed to know this early.”
    “Well, there’s a great deal of planning, you know.” Magda appeared offended by Lanie’s lackluster apology, but she wasted no time in smiling brilliantly at Brad. “Brad, I assume you’re bringing a guest?”
    “Yes, I’m bringing my girlfriend, Cassie,” he answered.
    “And Lanie, I should mark you as a single again, right?” Magda seemed to be taking pleasure in the statement. Kyle wondered how many mean girls were in Lanie’s life. Her sister was a complete bitch, her assistant seemed cold, and now this Magda woman was taking enjoyment in Lanie’s discomfort. But when it came to business, Lanie was completely in control.
    “I’ll be escorting Lanie,” Kyle answered. He wasn’t sure who looked more shocked, Lanie or Magda.
    Magda nodded, regarding Kyle with curiosity. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were dating.”
    “We have to go. I have clients waiting,” Lanie replied before Kyle could. She didn’t wait for a response but proceeded to walk briskly down the corridor.
    Conference room A at Whitlow and White was a fancy affair with a signature mahogany table and thirty comfortable chairs surrounding it, a digital whiteboard, and the obligatory fake floral arrangements. Lanie’s beige skirt and blouse matched the walls perfectly. The three clients were brought in. All three girls were at least eighteen, but they looked much younger to Kyle, and it was clear they were nervous and frightened. After the devastation they’d been through working in a brothel that specialized in underage girls, Kyle could understand why. An ethereal melancholy followed them.
    Lanie sat between them and Kyle while Brad sat on the far end. Kyle started his tape recorder and introduced himself, following Lanie’s instructions to keep his voice low and head down. At first, Kyle was insulted at the guarded looks Lanie gave him, but it soon became clear she was acting as more protector than lawyer for these victims. These girls could barely glance at him or speak above whispers. They were very forthright in their answers, but each one was a bombshell. Two of the girls had

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